Dnes se investoři budou soustředit na vystoupení šéfa FEDu J. Powella v Kongresu a sledovat jeho rétoriku ohledně rychlosti snižování sazeb. Včerejší propad na Wall Street a ochlazování sektoru služeb naznačují určité změny na trzích. V Asii akcie rostly, především v Hong Kongu, a dnes se očekávají konkrétnější informace na tiskové konferenci. Na pražské burze v úterý přidala index PX a akcie ČEZ poskočily. Erste se stabilizovala a rostla, zatímco prodejní tlak pokračoval na KB. Očekává se zájem domácích investorů.
Positive Trends in the Financial Market
Yesterday, the financial market saw some positive trends, with several key players experiencing growth and stability. The support levels for the Met stock rose from 800 Kč to 835 Kč, marking a 3.7% increase. This upward trend was also reflected in the prices of permits and electricity turnover.
One notable development is the growing interest in the construction of nuclear power plants, particularly after a visit from France. EdF has emerged as the leading contender for the construction of nuclear blocks, signaling potential opportunities for collaboration in the energy sector. Additionally, the enrichment of uranium for the Dukovany plant will now be handled by the French company Orano, indicating a shift towards international partnerships in the nuclear industry.
Market Performance
Following a decline to 935 Kč, Erste Bank stabilized and subsequently rose to 946 Kč, marking a 1.2% increase. On the other hand, Komerční banka (KB) faced selling pressure, leading to a 0.75% decrease in its stock value, with trading prices falling below 800 Kč. However, there is potential for increased interest from domestic investors in KB, given its current market position.
Pavel Hadroušek, Broker, Fio Banka, a.s.