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Key of Music 2023: Revealing the Secrets of Latvian Popular Music

A thorough phase of the 2023 work in the program “Key of Music” has come to an end, revealing the secrets of Latvian popular music, presenting news, allowing to look at the performance of musicians and collectives in a different light, of course, discussing the current events of the genre. We started the year with literature – Skriver’s rock music chronicle compiled by the guitarist, songwriter, member of the band “Opus pro” Artūrs Zemnieks – a guitarist-composer from Skriveri also remembered his youth in the program at that time Armands Alksnis.

Artūrs Zemnieks’ debut in literature, the documentary study “I don’t want to go home” was dedicated to the musicians and collectives of the native Skrīves, who have been performing since the 20th century. The mid-1960s delighted dancers throughout the neighborhood. They not only made music, sang and played, but also made and bought instruments, hardware, were friends with each other then and now, when the survivors were ready to share their memories with Artur.

On the other hand, a very personal book was published this year by the singer, songwriter, founder of the group “Astro’n’aut” Marie Upman-Holstein, who also visited the Musical Key. Several years ago, in an interview, Mara said that already during her school days, she imagined that her name would one day be read in the literary chrestomathy. Interest in literature, of course, developed along with writing lyrics, but not only – Upmane-Holšteina has obtained a bachelor’s degree in the communication science program of the University of Latvia and once hoped to become a journalist. Now, her book Notes on the Edge of Doubt has reached readers, which tells about the path in music from the first chords to big concerts, and a section of her personal life has also been revealed, without which, especially for women, creativity is unimaginable.

Autobiographical, of course, has a countertenor Sergej Yeager the book “What a happy coincidence” dedicated to life and versatile creative experience. Its author is Laima Gaitniece, and the title contains words from the most popular song by Ulda Marhilēvičs, “Rēdereja”, performed by Sergej.

An important topic of the series “Key of Music” is the anniversaries of musicians, but not all of those to whom the programs were dedicated are still among us: we mentioned the singer Harry Oakwhich was told by his fellow singers Juris Hiršs and Santa Zapackawe remembered Nik Matveyev Ilona Matvejeva and Raimonda Macata stories about my colleague in the “Chicago Five” Albert Legzdiņi told Armands Birkens.

Singers Austro Pumpuri we mentioned at the 95th anniversary together with the invitation to Austrasbärnu concerts, shared memories Eric Pozemkowski, Anta Angel and project manager of the Austrian Society Inese Sérdienethe Latgale ružeņa was also commemorated with concerts Aija Rimša – the publisher told about him Andris Dzerve and arranger and musician Andris Širants.

As for the singer Gunnar Meyerwho would have been 65 this year, said the pianist Gints Žilinskis and almost with tears in his eyes, the musician who spoke, a member of the group “Lőgőligais Tips” and the duet “Karakums” recalled his Normund Yakušonok.

It has always been interesting to meet musicians and singers of the new generation in the studio at the microphone, observing what are the fashion trends in pop music, with what confidence we can look to the future, in which, hopefully, there will always be a place for songs in Latvian. In this regard, great confidence flowed from the creator of the “Zvaigznājs” project Agnes Rakovskaswho visited “Key of Music” with her students Paul Dunderi and Sabini Mustermanwho have already released their debut albums with self-composed songs, and determined to conquer the world fame, remains one of the Enigmas for votes – Fox Lima jeb Alise Ketnere. On the other hand Kristina Zakharovawho is a full-time actress from Daugavpils, hopes to be able to return to the same prominent activity in pop music as a few years ago, when she competed in Eurovision, sang at Raimonda Paula’s concerts, participated in TV shows, and a bright future can certainly be predicted as well sisters Dimantas – Katrína and Laima, who pleased us on the summer solstice with the album “Get up, St. John’s Day”. Also groups “Mothers of the Nation” the members sing their hearts out in polyphony, combining ancient and modern, 3 albums have already been released, and the band’s pianist came to the conversation in the key of musical notes Elvis Lintins, Ilona Zerve-Taulute and Asnate Rancāneto share thoughts about the place of Latvian folk music today and the way “Tautumeitas” tries to make it closer to everyone.

In Latvia and in the cycle “Key of Music” we celebrated this year for the first time Folklore Day. An ethnomusicologist came to visit us on Latvian Radio 2 Igeta Ozoliņawho leads the ethnic group “Ogas”, and a singer Yeva Morawho sang and released the album “Latviešu tautasdziesmas” on her own in 2016, we were also interested in how the group came to be interested in Latvian folk songs Skyforger founder, musician and vocalist Peter Kvetkovskis. Of course, the popular Eurovision song contest was not forgotten either Sudden Lights left Latvia without laurels, but Diona Liepiņa, the members of the duet “Neprāts” and the group “Audiokvartāls” were happy about the competition. We also analyzed the blues developments in Latvia in honor of the next blues festival in Ropaži, its organizers came to visit Janis Bukowskis and Roland Saulietisgroups Latvian Blues Band participants, and the Liepāja bluesman also expressed his opinion Ainars Pūpols. Fans of both Latvian pop music and jazz were certainly interested in getting to know more closely Einar Verro dibibinated association Assembly Singersa member of the ensemble also told about it Girts Gailitis, also inviting to the concert. The band is still performing “Yellow Postmen”and Hotel Slava and Ingus Bauškėnieks Latvian Radio 2 also remembered the old days when a new instrument and its sound inspired the creation of a song. After that, it was a challenge to properly play the recorded music in a concert, and in this sense, “Yellow Postmen” finally feel satisfied with themselves.

The anniversary of 2023 was celebrated by many celebrities, whom I also invited to the “Key of Music” microphone. Just a week ago, the four-time winner of the “Microphone” survey shared her memories Mirdza Zyvere, in honor of the 55th anniversary of the last century’s popular song poll. Duet “Chameleon”Eric Budevic and Andris Weinbergs celebrated the 25th anniversary and visited the studio with the producer and his creator, as well as the songwriter Go to Lazdana. Excited about the release of the album “Jauni”, which was celebrated with a concert Palladium“in the clef” shared “Iron Wolf” participants Juris Kaukulis and Kaspars Tobis. Two, Juris and Kaspars, also created an association “Young St. John’s Orchestra”, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year! Meanwhile, the chapel celebrated its 25th anniversary this year “Hägenskalna musicians”, which revives the moods of Bygone Times in its work. Its members are Zane Kriumane and Rolands Zelčs, Sandra Lipska and Ilmar Pumpurs, two musical couples, and everyone sings too. Perhaps the most and the loudest was Ilmārs, who came to visit Latvijas Radio 2 to talk as an experienced ethnomusicologist about the traditions of the chapel’s music-making, the “Live Music” festival he organized and the Hägenskaln’s Musicians, and hopefully this chapel will continue its fruitful activity, keeping alive our parents and grandparents’ favorite repertoire of songs and dances

A singer came to visit Latvian Radio 2 Laimis Rācenājscomposer Imants Paurathe singing actor Ivars Kalniņšsinger Ieva Akuratereas well as a singer Imants Vanzovics. And this is by no means the entire list of anniversaries of the year, because the programs also featured conversations with the anniversaries – a singer and a jazz teacher Ingu Bērziņusingers Inesi Gresti, Ilona Bagelithis year’s concert record holders, of course, Maria Naumov. The jubilarian, a singer, also came to the microphone Ira Krauja-Dūdumawho comes from a picturesque village and started learning to play the guitar in the 7th grade – the owner of a strong voice, who was a soloist in the groups “Modo”, “Tukums 3” and “Inversija”, still performs at concerts and even dances, and Ira’s daughter Ruta has followed in her mother’s footsteps Duduma-Cherry:

Although the group “Old House” ceased to operate already in the mid-nineties of the last century Ugis Prauliņš, Armands Alksnis, Andris Alvikis and Talis Gzibovskis can still set an example for the young, and did so at his album launch concert. “Vecās mājas” also visited the studio of Latvian Radio 2, talking about their music, and on February 17, already next year 2024, they invite you to a concert in Ulbroka’s pearl. Looking back on the past year and the programs of “Nošu skeke” – you also heard conversations with the jubilarians – singer and songwriter Mary Slok and singer, trumpeter Andri Abelitias well as a singer Andri Ergliwho held his 40th anniversary concert in Liepāja, a city that has meant a lot to him, and the singer still makes his way there often, in recent years also to collaborate with guitarist and songwriter Inga Šplit.

By the way, Andris Ārglis once played Italo in a musical “early rust”whose new performance was also dedicated to the program in the cycle Key of Music, as well as to the performance with the music of Imantas Kalniņas – “Captain Grant’s Children”. Who else has come to lead us to the world of musical secrets with the Key of Music: they were singers and songwriters Gatis Mūrnieks and Edvards Strazdins; romantic duet Chips and Dullais.

Composer Ivars Žindulis and singer Jānis Pakalniškis were famous in the last century, but also in this one they had something to say to the listeners of Latvian Radio 2. We visited Liepāja, where we discovered Exhibition of Raymond Paul recordswhich traveled throughout Latvia throughout 2023, its owner told about the 10th anniversary of the music house “Daile” Anda Zadovskaand I gave a speech in this program to Raymond Paulwho was present at countless “Daile” concerts – we also talked about it with the singer Anci Krauzi, but if I had to summarize what was “Event Number One” in the pop music events of the past year of 2023, then, in my opinion – and hopefully, many will agree that it was the return of the group “Zodiaks”, which was told in the program Jānis Lūsēns and Siegfried Muktupável.

May the coming year 2024 be musically rich and fruitful for all of us!

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2023-12-30 16:04:49

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