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Key Figures and Priorities of the CNER President for Reindustrialization and Economic Development

Key figures

May 10, 2023. Election to the presidency of the CNER.
2014-2015. Minister of Labor, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue.
2005-2023. President of Dijon Métropole, with an interruption in 2014-2015.
2008-2014. Socialist senator from Côte-d’Or.
2001-2023. Mayor of Dijon, with an interruption in 2014-2015.
1998-2008. Socialist general councilor of the Côte-d’Or.

What is your priority as president of CNER?

I think there are things that need to be amplified, improved. The professionalism of the agencies is impressive. The proliferation of development agencies that CNER brings together shows that this is where the gray matter of economic development and knowledge of the territory reside.

My primary concern will be to awaken the State to the role of agencies in economic development. He has plenty of tools but often doesn’t know what exists in the area. We must be able to share our knowledge with the State and act together.

The economic development agencies consist of 10,000 business establishment professionals. We have a field army that the State could mobilize for objectives shared with it and with Business France. We could do much more, in this way, for employment. For the moment, we are not combining our skills, so we will try to achieve this.

Do you share the government’s satisfaction with improving our industrial attractiveness?

Yes, I share it. First, the State recognizes that, over twenty years, our country gradually lost its industrial power. He first used tools such as the reduction of business charges and that of production taxes, of which, I specify, the CVAE should not be part. [cotisation sur la valeur ajoutée des entreprises]. The government is promoting the image of the country which is becoming competitive again in the eyes of investors, with a reservation on the number of jobs provided. Germany is attracting even more the projects that provide the most industrial jobs.

This is the reflection of a problem that remains: the extreme centralization of minds, training and skills. This Parisianism harms reindustrialization. Economic development occurs first and foremost through the territories. My modest goal is to try to explain it, to show it and, perhaps, to improve the process.

How to support reindustrialization?

[60% reste à lire]

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