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Ketchup / eco-test: discounter sauce is the test winner – lots of sugar in the classic

Öko-Test examined ketchup. Sure: ketchup contains a lot of sugar, but some of the test results are surprising. Not all varieties are pesticide free.

  • Eco test has 20 different varieties Ketchup examined.
  • Popular brands like Heinz, Knorr and Hela as well as organic quality ketchup and from the discounter.
  • The results show: The classic from tomato doesn’t have to be expensive.

Frankfurt am Main – No fries without Ketchup. The red sauce has become indispensable in many dishes and gives some meals the appropriate kick. No wonder, then Eco test took a closer look at the classic. With surprising Result, as reported by RUHR24.de *.

Ketchup in the eco test: A good ketchup must meet these criteria

Eco test has the following criteria set up like a good one Ketchup have to be:

  • More intense Tomato flavor
  • Free of Pollutants
  • Sugar content under 25 percent

In the test that the consumer magazine carried out for the May edition (“Öko-Test” magazine, edition 5/2020, subject to a charge), not all brands managed to do this.-

Öko-Test has examined ketchup from, among others, Heinz, Knorr, Lidl and Alnatura

A total of 20th different Brands Ketchup ended up inEco test. Was there tomato ketchup from Heinz, Werder, Knorr and Develey. But also organic brands like Dwarf meadow, Altnatura and Denree or ketchup from the discounter were examined.

And here the result seems to be particularly surprising. Because the Ketchup from Lidl (Kania tomato ketchup), Kaufland (K-Classic tomato ketchup), Aldi north (Delikato Tomato Ketchup) or Rewe (Yes! Tomato Ketchup) was not only the cheapest in the test, but almost all brands scored “very good”. And that at a price of 0.79 euros per 500ml.

Ketchup in the eco test: cheap ketchup gets a “very good” rating

For example, the Ketchup the Lidl Own brand of sugar content per 100g at 23.4g and no pesticides were found. The product from the discounter was also convincing in taste: it has a strong tomato and vinegar note, and it is also clearly sweet and salty in taste. That gave a “very good” rating from the testers.

There was similarly little to complain about Ketchup the private label of Alnatura and Because. Here, too, the sugar content was well below the 25g and no pollutants could be detected in the laboratory. In terms of price, however, the two organic brands are around one euro more expensive than the varieties from the discounter.

Öko-Test examines ketchup: organic brand contains too much sugar

But just because the ketchup is organic doesn’t mean it has to be good. So found Eco test in the red tomato sauce from Dwarf meadow a comparatively high sugar content. For around 27g per 100g, points were deducted and only the grade “satisfactory”. After all, the tomatoes here come from Italy, which cannot be said of other ketchup brands.

Tomatoes are increasingly coming from China and not from Italy or the Netherlands.

© Victoria Bonn-Meuser / dpa

At the request of Öko-Test, who recently also examined jam *, the tomatoes for the are from Heinz and Werder Ketchup from the USA or Ukraine. The manufacturers do not have to indicate the origin of processed vegetables. And so it may be that Tomato paste for the ketchup was bottled in Italy, but the concentrate was out tomatoes out China consists.

Classic ketchups get poor ratings from Öko-Test

The Classic ketchup par excellence is that of Heinz. But that didn’t work Eco test did not impress and only distributed the grade “satisfactory”. There was a deduction not only for the origin of the tomatoes, but also for the high Sugar content, the lack of tomato flavor and the detection of Pesticides.

A ketchup classic: Heinz ketchup only gets “satisfactory” in the test

© Andy Rain / dpa

Only that cut worse Ketchup of the brands Bautz’ner, Kraft and Hela. The latter even completely failed the test – also due to the high sugar content. How Eco test reported contain all varieties Ketchup a lot of sugar. But it doesn’t have to be as much as with Hela with two tablespoons per 100g (more service articles on RUHR24.de *).

Video: Check out the most common ketchup myths

If you want to be sure about the ingredients and the amount of sugar, you can be sure Ketchup also easy to do yourself. The recipe is simple and requires only a few ingredients.

All you need for a classic ketchup is a couple of fully ripe tomatoes, a few spices and a hand blender. The tomatoes have to be cleaned thoroughly, chopped and then cooked with the spices for around 45 minutes. Season the whole thing with sugar and vinegar, puree and simmer again for three quarters of an hour. And the classic for fries and Co. is ready.

Conclusion: ketchup in the eco test

In summary, when examining Ketchup in the Eco test note that half of the brands were rated “very good” and “good”. In addition, a high content in many varieties Lycopene be detected. What sounds strange is, however, a good sign and a quality parameter. Lycopene suggests that well matured tomatoes were used to make the ketchup.

The same applies to the pollutants in ketchup. In all brands, the laboratory ofEco test at most traces found. Only with a ketchup was a high value Ergosterol found what’s on Molds indicates. However, the substance is not hazardous to health. Well, fries red and white please! love

* RUHR24.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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