Home » today » Health » Kesha Ratuliu invites millennials to vaccinate HPV before marriage

Kesha Ratuliu invites millennials to vaccinate HPV before marriage

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Celebrity Kesha Ratuliu invites Indonesian millennials to vaccinate against HPV before entering marriage, to protect themselves and their families from the dangers of the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) which is the main cause of cervical cancer.

“It is important for millennials to know how important the HPV vaccine is. Pre-marital HPV vaccination is very important, so that they can prepare a healthy, quality family and are protected from diseases caused by HPV,” said Kesha in a webinar held by the Coalition to Prevent Cervical Cancer. (KICKS) together with the Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) recently.

Through the webinar, Kesha also just found out that the HPV virus can also attack men, so it is also important for men to get the HPV vaccination.

“Yes, I just found out that men can also get cancer in the genital area because of HPV. So it’s also important to vaccinate men,” he said.

Kesha said she had received the HPV vaccination long before she prepared for marriage. Kesha is well aware that a healthy lifestyle must be supported by other factors, such as vaccines, to provide protection to the body.

“I had a breast tumor. After that I realized that we have to live healthy, eat healthy and protect ourselves with vaccinations. Not only for yourself, but also for the good of your partner and family,” said Kesha.

Agreeing with Kesha, Adhi Permana, who is Kesha’s husband, said that although it is synonymous with cervical cancer, the HPV virus can also attack men and is transmitted through sexual contact.

“This virus is clearly real and should not be underestimated. The way to prevent it is enough with vaccines,” said Adhi.

Also read: BKKBN strives for the HPV vaccine to be part of mandatory prenuptial screening

Also read: The right time to get the HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

Also read: HPV that causes cervical cancer can also attack men

Reporter: Maria Rosari Dwi Putri
Editor: Ida Nurcahyani

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