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Kerala Ragging Incident: Video Exposes Horror, Police Investigate More Victims, Authorities’ Role

Five ⁣third-year⁤ nursing students have​ been⁢ booked in ⁤a ragging case in Kerala. The Kottayam police said five‌ third-year⁢ students ⁢of a state-run nursing college have been ‌booked for allegedly ragging their juniors at the ​boys’ hostel and subjecting them to severe harassment.The incident reportedly began in ⁣november‍ 2024,‌ with first-year students subjected⁢ to⁣ severe harassment under the guise of ragging.The⁢ torment included making‌ cuts on ⁣the​ victims’ bodies and forcing them to strip naked and hang dumbbells from their private parts.

The⁤ five students arrested in the⁤ case ⁣have been suspended by the college.⁢ They were members of⁤ the Kerala Government Student‌ Nurses Association (KGSNA) – a student group not affiliated with any⁣ political party – and one‍ of them was its state‌ general secretary. The ⁣detailed probe into the ragging‌ incident has‌ begun,including the role of the college authorities.

Interview: Anti-Ragging ​measures adn Recent Incidents

Editor’s Introduction

In recent‍ months, the issue⁢ of ragging in higher educational institutions has ‌once again come ⁣to the forefront. ⁢Despite the ⁤existence of strict anti-ragging policies and legal frameworks, incidents of severe harassment continue⁤ to⁣ occur. We sat down with an expert to discuss the current state of anti-ragging measures and the recent incidents that have shaken the nation.

Editor’s Questions and Guest’s ‍Answers

Editor: Can you ⁤provide an overview of‍ the current state of⁤ anti-ragging measures in India?

Guest: Anti-ragging measures in India are multi-faceted and involve various stakeholders, including⁣ educational institutions, authorities, students, and society as a⁤ whole.⁣ Educational institutions have established strict anti-ragging ⁢policies, clearly defining the‌ consequences for both perpetrators‍ and bystanders. The‍ UGC’s anti-ragging cell has ⁣been proactive in ‌receiving and addressing complaints, with a meaningful number of reports coming from medical ‍and engineering colleges. However, the⁣ effectiveness of these measures is still a concern.

Editor: What can ⁢be done ⁤to improve the enforcement of anti-ragging policies?

Guest: To improve⁣ enforcement, there needs to be a ⁤collaborative effort. Colleges must ensure that‍ their policies are not just on paper but are actively enforced. Authorities must conduct regular ⁤inspections and ​audits to ⁢ensure compliance. Additionally, students ​and society must be educated about the severe ‍consequences of⁢ ragging.Legal frameworks must be strictly implemented, and perpetrators must face the full force of ⁤the⁢ law.

Editor: Can you​ discuss the recent incident in a medical college⁤ where⁢ students were subjected⁣ to severe harassment?

guest: The recent⁤ incident in a medical college is a grim reminder of the severity of ragging. First-year students were subjected to severe ‌harassment, including physical harm and‍ mental trauma. The involvement of the Kerala​ Government student Nurses Association ​highlights the need for better oversight of student groups. The college authorities must conduct a thorough investigation to understand⁤ the role of the institution ‌in this incident. It is crucial to ensure that‌ such incidents do not recur.

Editor: What role do college authorities play in preventing ragging?

Guest: College authorities play a critical role in preventing‌ ragging. They must create​ a safe and ⁣supportive environment for students. This includes regular counseling sessions, establishing a robust ​grievance redressal system,⁤ and ensuring that students feel⁣ comfortable reporting incidents of ragging. Authorities must also work closely ⁢with student groups to ensure that they⁢ operate within the boundaries of the law and‌ institutional policies.

Editor: How can⁣ society as ⁢a whole contribute to ​the prevention‍ of ragging?

Guest: Society as a whole must take a stand ‍against ragging. Parents,guardians,and the community must educate​ their ⁣children ​about the harmful effects of ⁤ragging. There must be a collective effort to create ⁤an ⁣environment where ‌ragging is‌ not tolerated. media and public figures can play a significant role in raising⁢ awareness and promoting a culture‍ of‍ respect and dignity.


The​ issue of⁤ ragging is a‍ complex one that requires‍ a concerted effort from all stakeholders. Educational institutions, ‌authorities, students, and society must work together to create a safe and supportive environment for all students. The recent incidents ‍highlight the urgent need for better‌ enforcement ‍of anti-ragging policies and a more proactive approach from all parties involved.

Read more‍ about anti-ragging measures on NDTV.com

Explore the ‌unending ordeal⁤ of ragging on forumias

Learn about the ripple ⁢effects of ragging and potential ⁢solutions ⁤on Somaiya.edu

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