Home » today » News » Kenan B. sentenced to ten years in prison for deadly arson at Hilledijk | NOW

Kenan B. sentenced to ten years in prison for deadly arson at Hilledijk | NOW

Kenen B. was convicted on Friday for ten years in prison for arson in his home on the Hilledijk in Rotterdam, in which his upstairs neighbor Robert Hendrix (27) was killed.

The Dordrecht court rules that B. deliberately started the fire on April 13 with motor gasoline. B. must also pay damages of EUR 36,000 to Hendrix’s parents.

Initially twelve years in prison were demanded by the Public Prosecution Service (OM), minus the pre-trial detention. B. denied having started the fire. His lawyer argued for acquittal last month. However, the court finds it unlikely that the fire was started by someone other than the suspect.

Hendrix was unable to get out on time during the fire. He still climbed out of his window and jumped down from the second floor, but later died of his injuries.

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