Home » News » KENA invites you to the KENA event “Has everything gone crazy” in the Riiigkogu on Tuesday, April 2 at 5:00 p.m.

KENA invites you to the KENA event “Has everything gone crazy” in the Riiigkogu on Tuesday, April 2 at 5:00 p.m.

NICE calls

on Tuesday, April 2 at 17:00 for the KENA event “Has everyone gone crazy”

We will meet with the members of the Riigikogu’s Center Party faction and discuss the topic of mental health.

Keeps the income and the discussion is lucky Triinu Tähtprevention and promotion policy coordinator of the Department of Mental Health of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED (with personal identification code) no later than Sunday, 31.03.2024 by e-mail at eha.vork@tallinn.ee.

Entrance to the Riigikogu building is only possible with an identity document.

Bad news is an integral part of our daily lives, many have developed fear about the future – it all means stress.

How to maintain the mental health of yourself and your loved ones is the MAIN question to which we are looking for an answer together.

“Has everyone gone crazy? – Why has mental health become the center of attention and what is the current state of mind of the Estonian people? What is happening to our children and youth?

Does every decent family have its own psychologist?”

We try to find answers to such questions and also delve into the reasons.

Waiting for you

NICE ones

Eha Võrk, president

Reet Trei, vice president and general organizer of the event

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