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Kel Calderon lashed out without filter against sayings of “Las Indomables”

“He is a man, who feels like a woman and wants to be a woman is fully entitled”, were Maldonado’s words on that occasion.

Kel Calderón put out his voice in a situation that seemed unfair to him. Just last week Patricia Maldonado, Catalina Pulido and Claudia Schmitd have shaken social networks. All after her sayings on the web program, “Las Indomables”, a space where the former Mucho Gusto again referred to the actress Daniela Vega.

“Is a man. That you feel like a woman and want to be a woman is within your rights. He is a big man. He is a man, he has a prostate. It will not have ovaries, it will not have a uterus, “said Maldonado.

Daniela Vega

“There is no bad publicity”

After this, a wave of reactions was generated on social networks.The fourth He tried to communicate with the three members of the program, but until the closing of this edition only Catalina Pulido answered our call and referred to the events that are circulating through social networks.

“The three of us are used to it and, as they say, there is no bad publicity. There are so many more relevant things in this country, but that’s what deconstructionism is about and, of course, since they can’t do anything else, they invent funas. Lack of humor is clearly in line with intelligence, “said Pulido.

Kel Calderón’s words

After this, the lawyer Kel Calderon, referred to the situation and launched without filter against Patricia Maldonado.

How incredible the envy that can be generated in other people by a beautiful, talented woman with a tremendous career and claw like Daniela Vega“He wrote on the platform of the blue bird, receiving divided comments at the same time.

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