Home » today » World » Kehagia: “Kasselakis is not looking for a way to enter the Parliament, but…” – 2024-03-09 01:57:06

Kehagia: “Kasselakis is not looking for a way to enter the Parliament, but…” – 2024-03-09 01:57:06

“Mr. Kasselakis he is not looking for a way to enter the Parliament. He does not make any move, he does not discuss with any MP from the State ballot, who could “move the strings” and does his job, as he knows how to do it, as the President of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance and as Leader of the official opposition. It is another discussion, parallel, if the situation brings it this way and there is a resignation or something else that could launch a scenario of Mr. Kasselakis entering the Parliament».

This is what the press representative of SYRIZA, Voula Kehagia, emphasized on Talk Radio, regarding the debate that has been rekindled since yesterday, after the statements of Othon Iliopoulos.

See also: Othon Iliopoulos opened a “window” for Kasselakis to enter the Parliament (Video)

“A motion of censure would rally the ND”

Speaking earlier on the First Program, Voula Kehagia explained why SYRIZA did not support the Haritsi proposal for a motion of censure:

“We believe that if the specific motion of censure was tabled, it would give a political advantage to Mr. Mitsotakis, who would in any case secure, since his government would not be voted against, a vote of confidence. But what had happened two weeks ago? The ND had terrible losses in their caucus, on the marriage equality vote, on same-sex couples, so a motion of no confidence would rally them and we would also see Mr Samaras vote for the government. It would also serve PASOK, because having internal problems in relation to the specific bill for private universities, it would be convenient for them to postpone such a vote”.

“If there is an obstacle, he will transfer his shares”

Referring to the issue of Stefanos Kasselakis’ company, the party’s press representative pointed out:

“Let’s make it clear that it is not offshore, it is a foreign company. He himself appeared on the Greek political scene not hiding that he has a company abroad, in the USA to be precise, which means that he is taxed there and indeed at 50%. In relation to the legislation on Pothen Esches and if it falls under it and, also, if there is an obstacle, even as an extra-parliamentary political leader, to have a company abroad, as long as this is legally clarified in an absolute manner, Mr. Kasselakis has been deported that he will transfer his shares the very next day. He will not be an owner or shareholder of a company abroad.”

Read also: Will Stefanos Kasselakis enter the Parliament?

#Kehagia #Kasselakis #enter #Parliament #but..

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