Home » today » Entertainment » Kees van der Spek as dead for corona prick: ‘Terrified at the thought’

Kees van der Spek as dead for corona prick: ‘Terrified at the thought’

The whole situation is embarrassing, Kees thinks. Yet he simply can’t help it and the nerves run through his body when he has to get a shot. Just the thought of it makes him ‘tremble’. According to the program maker, this is because he once passed out as a child when a needle went into his arm. Before the corona jab, he simply faced his fears. “I think that’s just a must,” says Kees.

His vaccination caused quite a bit of commotion. Kees says: “When I recently said on Instagram that I had been vaccinated, someone responded that they should ‘shoot that cancer dog’. I thought it was quite mean. In general, I am spared on social media. But if you let it be known. that Rutte does not necessarily have to die from you, then a can of wappies will immediately follow you.”

Because, just like Kees, more and more people have been vaccinated, the world is opening up a bit more and more. But according to Diederik Jekel, that is precisely what causes a new peak.

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