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Keep in Mind the General Secretary’s Entrustment: Inspiring Youth with a Struggling Attitude

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 4th Topic: Keep in mind the general secretary’s entrustment to inspire youth with a struggling attitude

Xinhua News Agency reporter

“The prosperity of the youth makes the country prosperous, and the strength of the youth makes the country strong.” Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been thinking about youth work, and has visited colleges and universities for many times. High hopes are placed on youth.

Young people in the new era keep in mind the teachings of the General Secretary, live up to their youth, live up to the times, live up to the people, inspire youth and pursue their dreams with a fighting attitude.

  In the small science and technology courtyard, the great skills of Xingnong can be practiced

[Entrustment of the General Secretary]”I hope that the students will be ambitious and down-to-earth, closely integrate classroom learning with rural practice, cultivate a love for farmers, develop the skills to revitalize agriculture, and make contributions on the big stage of rural revitalization. Contribute to the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.” —— On May 1 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping replied to the students of the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University.

[Youth Story]”The general secretary’s reply is full of encouragement and expectations for us, and it has strengthened our determination to contribute to the construction of a strong agricultural country. As Chinese youth in the new era, we must take root in the grassroots and serve farmers with knowledge and technology. “Wu Yiman said excitedly.

Wu Yiman, 25 years old this year, is a graduate student majoring in resource utilization and plant protection at China Agricultural University. According to the postgraduate training model of China Agricultural University Science and Technology Academy, Wu Yiman’s studies are mainly completed in Wangzhuang Village, Quzhou County, Hebei Province.

“I’ve been soaking in the farmland for the past few days.” Wu Yiman didn’t rest on “May 1st”. In addition to daily study and research, she went to the wheat field outside the village to check the growth of wheat every day, and guided the big grain growers to use drones Field management work.

Right now is the golden period of wheat growth in the north, and Wu Yiman and several graduate students are busy with farmland management every day. Wu Yiman said that there was continuous rainfall some time ago, and the humidity in the field was high after the rain, which was prone to diseases and insect pests. If the management is neglected, the grain production will be affected.

Wang Huaichen, a 67-year-old villager this year, said that his family has 9 acres of wheat in the experimental field of graduate students. When to water the crops, what kind of fertilizer to apply, and how to spray pesticides, they all follow the suggestions of the students of the small science and technology institute, saving fertilizer and saving money. Water is also productive.

Wu Yiman’s Science and Technology Academy has 5 experimental fields in Quzhou County, and has set up more than 20 monitoring points. These are classrooms for research and promotion of advanced agricultural technologies. They used drone multi-spectral remote sensing to diagnose seedling conditions, and used agrochemical service toolbox to detect soil moisture and various element contents, and accurately recommend the time and amount of fertilization to farmers.

As the wheat enters the flowering period, her workload doubles. “I went to more than 20 villages in a day and a half, and now I can be regarded as an old-fashioned way to work in the fields.” Last year, the yield of the wheat field under her guidance increased by more than 200 catties per mu.

After being admitted to a university in a big city, but going to the countryside to “study graduate school”, the experience of the past two years has deepened Wu Yiman’s understanding. Keep in mind the entrustment and take root in the grassroots. She is determined to do something in the countryside: “I have no regrets for dedicating my youth to agriculture and writing my thesis in the vast fields.”

  Bring new vitality to the old community with youth

[Entrustment of the General Secretary]”Young people are always new, the most innovative enthusiasm, and the most innovative motivation. The development of the cause of the party and the people is inseparable from the hard work and dedication of generations of aspiring young people.” – General Secretary Xi Jinping in 2022 Speech at the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

[Youth Story]At 7:30 in the morning, in Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Street, Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, the steaming life has been “opened”. As soon as Han Liping arrived at her post, several aunties dressed up for morning exercises surrounded her, asking questions non-stop.

“Secretary Xiaohan, my child is graduating this year. I heard that our community is recruiting people?”

“If the gas alarm installed in the community is broken, who can I find to replace it? Can it be removed during renovation?”


Han Liping invited the residents into the office and started a new day of work with a smile on her face.

In 2021, “post-90s” Han Liping will take over as Secretary of the Party Committee of Changshan Garden Community. Since the previous secretary was an excellent community cadre and “model of the times” Wu Yaqin, some people expressed doubts about the competence of the childish-looking new secretary.

What everyone didn’t expect was that this “baby face” had “hard shoulders”. As soon as she took office, she placed her workstation at the entrance of the community service hall. Community work is no small matter, and Han Liping always rushes to pick the heaviest “burden”.

Changshan Garden Community was first built in the 1980s, and some facilities in the community continued to have problems. Once, Aunt Li, a resident in her 70s, came to her door and yelled loudly, looking for the former Secretary Wu. After Han Liping inquired, she learned that the gutter in front of Aunt Li’s unit had cracked and leaked. Without further ado, Han Liping called her colleagues, grabbed the materials, rushed to the scene, and even mixed the cement by herself to block the gap. Since then, when Aunt Li encountered difficulties, she changed her words to “find Secretary Xiaohan”.

In order to solve the problem of eating for the elderly living alone, everyone discussed expanding the small staff canteen into a large canteen for the elderly, but they encountered difficulties due to insufficient funds. Han Liping first led everyone to grow vegetables in the community to supply canteens to reduce costs, then explored the introduction of public welfare projects to support the operation, and carefully organized community backbones to deliver meals to the elderly with handicapped legs.

The service is getting more and more considerate, and the environment is getting more and more beautiful. Resident Lao Zhao said: “Small things are the most heart-warming, and the new changes in the community cannot be separated from Secretary Xiao Han.”

Keep in mind the entrustment, dedication and responsibility. This “May Day”, Han Liping has no holidays, and has been busy with the safety inspection of community shops, but she never tires of it: “To make residents’ lives happier and to make old communities ‘younger’, we young people still have more work to do .”

  Rooted in the desert Gobi to build a dream frontier

[Entrustment of the General Secretary]”The younger generation must inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard work, abandon arrogance and arrogance, and engrave the blood of youth on the monument of history just like our fathers.” ——Xi Jinping in 2022 The general secretary’s speech during his inspection in Henan.

[Youth Story]”We must race against time to deal with the abnormal problems of oil wells!” In the production command center of the No. 2 Oil Production Plant of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Ruan Siya found that the data of several wells on the screen were abnormal, and quickly picked up the tool kit and rushed to the inspection vehicle outside the building .

After nearly an hour of turbulence, Ruan Siya and her colleagues arrived at the endless Gobi Desert. Ruan Siya was already used to this kind of pain as the wind covered her face with sand and stones. After a series of skilled maintenance, the unexpected situation of oil well abnormality was successfully resolved.

In 2020, after graduating from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus, Ruan Siya chose to take root in the west and build frontiers.

Difficulties and challenges followed. Every inspection has to carry equipment weighing more than ten kilograms. At the beginning, even the wrench and steel pliers were difficult to operate. Ruan Siya knew that oil well inspection is not easy. Ruan Siya, who was born in 1999, is a stubborn girl in the eyes of her colleagues. She quickly improves her business skills by practicing repeatedly and forcing herself to participate in high-intensity business competitions.

For more than 900 days and nights, from the cold winter of minus 30°C to the scorching heat of 40°C, Ruan Siya never backed down. She traveled all over the pumping units and metering rooms on the Gobi Desert, and restored the faulty oil wells to normal production time and time again; she took the initiative to digitize the automation equipment information of hundreds of oil wells and stations in the area in charge, and successfully solved the complicated, complicated, and Chaotic problems… With the spirit of “being able to endure hardships and fighting”, Ruan Siya has grown into a technician in her own right.

Keep in mind the entrustment, not afraid of hardships and dangers. Today, more and more young people like Ruan Siya are gathering in frontiers from all over the world to write stories of struggle. Since 2020, nearly 700 graduates from the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) have chosen to take root in Xinjiang, letting the most beautiful years shine in the western land.

  Lead the villagers to grow more grains and grow good grains

[Entrustment of the General Secretary]”Youth are the most energetic, aggressive, and least conservative group in society, and they contain infinite power to transform the objective world and promote social progress.” ——General Secretary Xi Jinping in 2022 celebrating the Communist Party of China Speech at the 100th Anniversary Conference of the Communist Youth League.

[Youth Story]The rain is pattering underground. It was already ten o’clock in the evening, Xu Xudong still put on an umbrella, and went to the experimental field in the dark, “Now the wheat heads are heavy, and I’m afraid of falling.”

It has been 5 years since Xu Xudong graduated from university and returned to his hometown to farm. In Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, his grandfather Xu Congxiang was a well-known local grain grower and transferred more than 1,200 mu of land. Among them, there are 300 mu of experimental fields to undertake the selection and breeding of fine varieties by scientific research institutes, and this is Xu Xudong’s career stage.

Under the scorching sun, Xu Xudong squatted in the field wearing a straw hat, carefully pulling the ears of wheat, and whispering a series of numbers in his mouth. After counting each ridge, he wrote down a set of data in the notebook. “The experimental field is like a arena, where various varieties compete. This year, more than 30 new wheat varieties have been planted.” Xu Xudong said that the varieties that perform well will focus on cultivation technology experiments aimed at high yield and high quality.

Xu Xudong would have to do it once in half a month for such a test data collection. Spring fights for the sun, summer fights for the time. The scorching sun tanned the skin, leaving a lot of sweat stains on the clothes, and the wheat awns got into the trousers, drawing scars, but this “post-95” didn’t care.

In 2022, Xu Xudong’s family’s wheat yield will exceed 800 kilograms per mu through improved varieties and good methods. Since the beginning of this year, Xu Xudong, who was newly elected as the secretary-general of the Taihe County Large Grain Growers Association, has organized five field management technical training sessions and on-site observation sessions at key nodes of wheat growth. “Wheat starts tillering in March, and the proportion of medicines should be adjusted according to the actual situation, and foliar fertilizer should be added”… He passed on technical details to more farmers.

Keep in mind the entrustment and shoulder the mission bravely. Compared with 5 years ago, Xu Xudong has faded from his greenness and matured day by day. He is leading the villagers to grow more and better grains and contribute to the national food security.

  Going to the “Future Covenant” of a technologically powerful country

[Entrustment of the General Secretary]”Young people will have different life goals and career choices, but only by integrating their own ego into the big self of the motherland and the people, keeping pace with the times and sharing the fate of the people, In order to better realize the value of life and sublimate the realm of life.” – General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement in 2019.

[Youth Story]The sun is just right, the garden is full of greenery, and the campus of the University of Science and Technology of China is full of spring in early May. Wang Mengqi, an associate researcher of the “post-90s” at the Key Laboratory of Microscopic Magnetic Resonance, Chinese Academy of Sciences, did not pay attention to the scenery outside the window, and concentrated on measuring and recording.

The millimeter-sized chip was carefully placed on the testing table, and his eyes were fixed on the key readings. The electronic data danced lightly, and a tightly suspended heart fell to the ground instantly. “Passed, the performance is qualified!” The frown was relaxed a little, and the next test was started immediately.

The diamond sensor detected by Wang Mengqi is the core device of quantum precision measurement. Many years ago, due to the lack of mastery of the preparation process chain, many related quantum high-end instruments needed to be “borrowed” and “buy”. Under the leadership of academician Du Jiangfeng, a team of young students is determined to start from scratch, independently tackle key problems and manufacture independently.

Original innovation, there are technological “blockers” almost everywhere. “The ion implantation energy required for the preparation of diamond sensors must be less than 5 kiloelectron volts, and there was almost no equipment that met the conditions in China at that time.” At that time, Wang Mengqi, who had just entered the laboratory as a Ph.D. student, was in charge of device preparation and testing. He and his companions did not know how many materials they read and how many methods they tried, and finally tried out an agricultural breeding equipment that met the design requirements. They found inspiration from the camera shutter and added a mechanical shutter to the device to precisely control the ion implantation dose.

Trials, failures, and retests… After 3 years, Wang Mengqi and his team finally achieved the transition from “none” to “yes” in the preparation of domestic diamond sensors.

Mastered the whole chain preparation process of diamond sensors, developed the first “pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer” in China, and developed the first “quantum diamond atomic force microscope” in the world, which solved the international problem of “insufficient manufacturing precision of traditional technology and color center” Difficulties…one goal is achieved in this laboratory, and more ambitious young researchers “break into” the quantum world.

Keep in mind the entrustment and dare to go beyond. Laboratory members are aiming at a higher goal, to achieve a breakthrough from “excellent” to “excellent”. Wang Mengqi is also more determined and confident: “Exploring the ‘no man’s land’ of quantum technology and contributing to a technologically powerful country are the most valuable things in my life.”

Lead reporter: Liu Jing

Text reporters: Zhang Ziyun, Liu Meizi, Shui Jinchen, Gu Yu, Meng Hanqi, Zhao Hongyu, Feng Weijian

Poster design: Xia Yuanyuan, Luan Ruohui

Technical Support: Xinhua Net Anhui Channel

Exhibited by Huo Xiaoguang

Producer: Cha Yuming

Planning and editing: Wang Shuhui, Chuhang

Produced by Xinhua News Agency

2023-05-06 00:18:00
#Era #Journey #Great #Achievement #General #Secretary #Jinpings #Concerns丨Keep #mind #General #Secretarys #instructions #inspire #youth #struggling #attitudeWuxi #Media

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