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Keep in mind that complications of tonsillitis can cause heart valve disease

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Otorhinolaryngologist dr. Muslim Kasim said that in cases of inflammation of the tonsils where complications have occurred, it could cause heart valve problems, known as rheumatic fever.

“It turns out that inflammation of the tonsils can cause an infection in a quite distant place or what we call rheumatic fever, causing heart valve ailments,” he said in a discussion about tonsillitis that was watched online in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Muslim also said that tonsillitis can also cause ear infections or inflammation and inflammation of the sinuses. Swelling around the tonsils if there is a collection of pus can also develop into something dangerous which can extend to the deep neck area.

“There are a number of complications that can be quite serious, so this case of tonsil inflammation or inflammation cannot be underestimated,” she said.

Muslim explained that the tonsils are organs that are part of the lymph nodes in the back of the throat that function as a defense factor when exposed to an infection in the upper respiratory tract. When enlarged, the tonsils narrow the airways and can cause breathing problems in some people.

Tonsil inflammation can be contagious, especially in the vulnerable group of children aged five to 15 years due to environmental factors such as schooling and nursery or childcare.

“We play together every day, if someone catches a cold it’s very easy for it to spread, so kids in the school environment are a prone bunch to get tonsillitis,” Muslim said.

The causes of tonsillitis, Muslim said, are mainly caused by bacteria and viruses such as rubella, adenovirus and influenza. These viruses and bacteria are easily transmitted when there is close contact with a person infected with tonsillitis, so one way to avoid this is to wash your hands diligently, especially before eating.

“So you actually avoid washing your hands diligently, especially before eating, and continuing to get into the habit of avoiding sick people because it can be contagious,” she said.

He suggested that tonsillitis patients should avoid foods that can exacerbate inflammatory disorders, such as foods that are too spicy, reduce fatty foods, and drinks that are too cold. In addition, too sweet foods and drinks and soft drinks should also be limited if you suffer from inflammation of the tonsils.*

This news was published on Antaranews.com with the headline: Doctor: Complications of tonsillitis can cause heart valve disorders

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