Home » today » Entertainment » Kazem Al-Saher to Hold New Year’s Concert in Abu Dhabi and Release Song in Support of Palestine

Kazem Al-Saher to Hold New Year’s Concert in Abu Dhabi and Release Song in Support of Palestine

Sarah Salah Friday, December 29, 2023 01:00 AM

Yahya the Caesar Kazem Al-saherHe will hold a concert in Abu Dhabi, on December 30, on the occasion of New Year’s celebrations. During the concert, he is scheduled to present a distinctive bouquet of his most famous songs, with which the audience will interact.

The Caesar recently released a song entitled “Hold Your Fire,” which aims to shed light on the catastrophe occurring in the Palestinian territories, and the brutal attacks that the people of the Gaza Strip are subjected to at the hands of the Israeli occupation army.

Kazem Al-Saher said on his official page on the social networking site “Facebook” saying: “As part of our continuous endeavor to support our people with all the tools, capabilities and friendships we have in the East and West, I am cooperating with the United Nations Classical Music Society to produce the song Hold Your Fire with the aim of shedding light on… The humanitarian catastrophe, and the call to end the devastating war. Kazem Al-Saher continued: “We chose to have it in English to deliver a message to the world calling for an end to the violence practiced on innocent civilians.”

Kazem Al-Saher indicated that the bulk of the broadcast revenues will be donated to support the humanitarian efforts of the United Nations through UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund), and the World Food Programme.

The song “Hold Your Fire,” composed by Kazem El Saher, with lyrics by Tom Law, inspired by Kazem El Saher’s idea, and arranged by Michel Fadel, in cooperation with the United Nations Classical Music Society, directed by Brenda Vongova.

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