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Kaufland Romania, a new major news for customers. This information will make many people in Bucharest happy

Kaufland is preparing to receive other customers from a new area of ​​the Capital with open arms. The well-known retailer wants to open another store in Bucharest in a long-awaited area. What details are known about the project so far?

Kaufland Romania, huge news for customers

Kaufland is preparing to build a new hypermarket in a long-awaited area. The famous retailer is now coming to those who live in the Militari Residence area. The famous supermarket chain is one of the largest networks in Romania and is intensely preparing to make room for the fourth store in sector 6 of Bucharest.

The center is to be located on a plot of land next to the Militari Residence residential complex. Kaufland concluded in the summer of 2020 a promise to buy the land with a deadline for concluding the sale-purchase contract no later than September 2021.

The hypermarket that is to appear in the sight of Bucharest residents will have a built area of ​​approximately 6,000 square meters and a concrete platform reserved for parking lots of about 11,000 square meters.

The retailer also has 3 hypermarkets in Sector 6, one of which is 2.5 kilometers from the land purchased now, ie on Valea Cascadelor. Nearby, Kaufland has also signed a promise to buy a 1.7-hectare plot of land in Hornbach.

Turnover for 2020

The new land in Militari is 500 meters away from Militari Shopping I find stores like Auchan and Metro. Kaufland has a total of 17 stores in Bucharest and 141 in Romania.

By 2024, the German retailer aims to reach 160 supermarkets nationwide. The company reported a turnover of 2020 of 12.83 billion lei and a profit of 970.3 million lei

  • Kaufland does not have its own online store

“Since the beginning of the calendar year 2021, we have already opened six stores, in Târgu-Neamţ, Piatra-Neamţ, the fourth store in Sibiu, in Târnăveni, in Voluntari and the number four store in Timişoara”, says Valer Hancaş, director of communication and corporate affairs at Kaufland Romania.

He added that the plan for 2021 means a steady pace of expansion that aims to open at least ten new stores for the whole year: ‘We will see an increase in online sales even for age groups less familiar with the technology.

The consumer has become accustomed to this pandemic channel. The company has over 140 local offline hypermarkets with low prices and over 15,000 employees’, the quoted source added.

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