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Kaufland enters into a mega-deal with Internet star – for a crazy price

Kaufland made a mad deal with Rob Vegas. He gets a car full of candy – but not just like that, of course.

What can you find in many supermarkets just before the checkout? Right – chocolate bars. And why? Because by then you have dutifully processed the shopping list, only to get weak after all. And pushing yourself three times between your teeth on the way to the car. The trick of baiting customers like this is old. At Kaufland, however, the candy call has worked wonderfully again. After all, it is not only a very special customer who has long benefited from a crazy chocolate-related trade.

But everything from the beginning: Robert Michel alias Rob Vegas has not only been a social media professional for a long time and is on the road as such on Twitter, Youtube and Co. It is also no longer a secret that the 36-year-old, who became known primarily through online shows, is a fan and loyal customer of Kaufland.

Kaufland makes a crazy deal with Rob Vegas: he gets a car full of candy

After all, discussing the latest Kaufland brochures is an integral part of Rob Vegas’ social media presence. The Bielefeld native also shares a common weakness for successful online marketing with the supermarket giant of the Schwarz Group from Neckarsulm.

Robert Michel aka Rob Vegas regularly shows Kaufland’s offers.

© Screenshot Twitter/Rob Vegas

Little by little, a friendly exchange of blows developed between Kaufland and Vegas. Even when Kaufland crowned another Internet star king in an action, there was a swipe from the supermarket via Twitter with a wink in the direction of Rob Vegas. Now the whole thing has culminated in a mega-deal – for both parties.

Kaufland fills cars with sweets – and has plenty of them itself

Whether it is a well-planned advertising gag or an actual spontaneous Internet campaign – it is certain that the way to the deal could be followed live on Twitter. And Rob Vegas and Kaufland were showered with likes and comments for their respective comments.

The social media exchange began, which in the current mega deal ended on March 29th. Rob Vegas tweeted to Kaufland: “If I ask nicely and politely, can I get an official polo shirt from you?” What was meant was the clothing of the Kaufland employees. And Kaufland responded promptly.

The supermarket, which also likes to poke fun at celebrities in its advertising, immediately sent the polo shirt that Vegas wanted. As early as March 30, the happy social media manager announced a courier had just brought him the shirt. And when Kaufland followed him on Twitter from then on, he also reacted clearly: “It’s love.”

Kaufland and Rob Vegas conclude mega-deal – “only wants Choco Crossies”

For Kaufland it was a hit. “We love your passion for Kaufland more. So much so that we would offer you – and only you – the keys to our small but nice Twitter account for one day. HA! We are now looking forward to the excuse … “, commented the supermarket via Twitter. The beginning of an incomparable deal.

Because of course the social media expert also knew how to use this attention for himself. “Let’s make it a week,” challenged Rob Vegas Kaufland. And not only that: “Tweeting for a week for Kaufland? My offer stands. I don’t want any money for the number. I just want to be able to fill my old Mazda with Choco Crossies at the loading ramp. Deal?”

Rob Vegas takes over Kaufland’s Twitter account in April

And indeed: Kaufland has now made it official in a press release. From April 12th to 16th, Rob Vegas will take over the company’s German Twitter account. “Rob speaks about our company with great dedication and enthusiasm. That is why we were curious about what a true Kaufland fan and long-standing customer would tweet on our behalf, ”explains Rüdiger Teutsch, Head of Corporate Communications.

The deal with the sweets also stayed the same. Rob Vegas expressly does not want any money. Instead, Kaufland fills his car with chocolate snacks. “The candy handover ceremony will be broadcast live on Twitter, that was my only condition,” says Robert Michel.

Kaufland Rob Vegas
7.434 Follower bei Twitter (Stand: 8. April) 43.168 Follower bei Twitter (Stand: 8. April)

For him, the deal with Kaufland is apparently profitable enough with chocolate too. The extra attention shouldn’t hurt either. Neither Rob Vegas – nor Kaufland himself. Especially since the company normally reaches far fewer people with its tweets than Michel alias Vegas.

Category list image: © Olaf Kubasik / echo24.de

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