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Kąty Wrocławskie: Municipal authorities recommend evacuation

The Kąty Wrocławskie commune authorities recommend that residents leave the threatened areas. After consultations with the national and district crisis management team, the mayor of the city and commune of Kąty Wrocławskie recommended the evacuation of residents from the threatened regions.

Illustrative photo /Sławek Pabian /PAP

Evacuation is recommended for residents of the following towns: Samotwor, Skałka, Romnów, Stoszyce, Jurczyce, Wszemiłowice, Kamionna, Stradów, parts of Kątów Wrocławskie streets (Leśna, Wolności, Norwida, Brzeska, Sobótki, Spacerowa, Zaciszna, Wspólna, Wesoła and Sarnia).

The decision was made due to the constantly rising water level in the Bystrzyca River and the overflowing reservoir in Mietków.

The commune provides transport and places for evacuation.

Residents who wish to use the municipality’s assistance with evacuation are asked to call 574 889 107.

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