For nineteen residents of Katwijk with zip code 2221 NS (street: Poolster) the summer can no longer go wrong. This is because 1 million euros from the Postcode Lottery have fallen on this postcode. It is the first time that a draw takes place every day for ten days in which 1 million is raffled.
The lucky winners were invited for a delicious ice cream at the ice cream cart. And for the nineteen participants with zip code 2221 NS there was an even bigger surprise. They share 1 million euros with each other and win amounts from 35,714 euros to 107,143 euros, depending on the number of tickets they play in the Postcode Lottery.
Herma plays with two lottery tickets and wins 71,428 euros. “We have a close-knit neighborhood, so it’s special that the price falls here. I will use this to brighten up my house with new furniture.”
Arie has been participating in the Postcode Lottery for three months now. He reacts surprised: “I never expected to win a prize. I started playing for charities. Maybe I’ll buy a car now.”
Corrie says enthusiastically: “Now I can travel to Curaçao to my parents-in-law. We haven’t been able to do that for ten years.”
Source: Postcode lottery
Photo’s: Jurgen Jacob Lodder
Corrie and her neighbors divide 1 million at the Postcode Loterij Herma from Katwijk wins 71,428 euros at the Postcode Loterij Arie from Katwijk wins 35,714 euros at the Postcode Loterij
Residents of Katwijk distribute 1 million euros from the Postcode Lottery
2023-08-21 20:24:50
#UPDATE #Katwijkers #distribute #million #euros #Postcode #Lottery #RTV #Katwijk