Katja Ståhl continues as Elämäni biisi presenter.
Katja Ståhl continues in the new season song of my life –as host of the program. The program continues on September 7 on Yle TV1. Ståhl has hosted the program since the beginning.
– The best workplace I’ve ever had. And the best program I’ve ever done, Ståhl enthuses.
According to him, the program’s popularity is explained by the fact that all the pieces fall into place.
– There is enough budget here to be able to do every area well. When each worker can trust another worker, it’s a safe feeling that everyone can focus on their own performance, and there’s no need to worry about where this will be solved when there was no money or talent, Ståhl reflects.
The song of my life – program has seen several guests over the years. Among the guests of the upcoming season, Ståhl is especially excited about Juha Miedo. He also reveals who he would like to join the program.
– For a very long time, I hoped for Paavo Väyry to be a guest there, and it came true last season. Now, as I remember, I had hoped for Jare Tiiho, but I don’t hope anymore, I have come up with a new one. I would like Seppo Rädy there, says Ståhl.
Ståhl says that there have never been any difficult situations with the guests during the shooting of the program.
– Yes, there have been people who have come a bit nervous. But when they’ve gotten into that mood, then they’ve suddenly been completely involved, says Ståhl.
New winds
Ståhl will also start new studies in the fall. He starts studying job guidance at the University of Helsinki. He got the idea already in the early 2000s, and he has only been waiting for the moment when he would have enough time and money to start studying.
– Now it felt like it was the moment. I’m really excited. I have studied almost nothing in my life: I have to be motivated to be able to do it. If I’m not enthusiastic, then I can’t get myself into it, says Ståhl.
When it comes to work supervision, Ståhl is particularly fascinated by logic.
– What fascinates me is that we go to the workplace and think about how to get the job done so that people understand each other and who does what and why. You understand what I do and why, and I understand what you do, and there is no conflict. It’s terribly logical. It’s wonderful that you can lighten the whole thing with logical reasoning.

Katja Ståhl continues as host of the Elämäni biisi program. Pete Anikari
Not for engagement
Katja Ståhl’s life is currently largely spent with dogs and horses. He has competed with his young horse on track obstacles.
– I also breed horses, so there are also foals, Ståhl says.
The presenter’s family includes two adult children. Ståhl divorced her husband when her children were small. He says that he enjoys being alone.
– I don’t have a love life. What now I have dated from time to time. But frankly, I’m not really interested in that. If you were interested, I guess you could look for it and go somewhere. But I’m not interested in going anywhere.
Ståhl doesn’t think he’ll find a partner either.
– You can hardly find it in Alepa in Suvela, and that’s where I go the most, Ståhl laughs.
There have been some dates, however, and Ståhl only has positive things to say about dating partners.
– It’s been really tough. If I see them, it’s nice to see them. But I don’t want to get engaged to anyone, Ståhl states.
He hasn’t had to experience any kind of disaster dating.
– I wonder how people end up like that. I myself already knew from the start that I would go on a date with a really nice guy. I wonder what some people discuss before a date, that it comes as a complete surprise, that the other person is crazy, Ståhl marvels.
The host feels that nothing is missing from his life right now.
– But it’s the same with winning the lottery. I don’t want a lottery win, but if it comes, I won’t miss it, Ståhl states.
Played on stage
Ståhl, who hosts a music program and has worked in record companies for a long time, has also been able to make music in the summer. He was hosting Krapi’s garden party in Tuusula in August.
One of the performers was the artist Arppa aka Aaro Airola, whom Ståhl says he likes very much.
– I got to play with them on stage! I played maracas for two songs and my head felt like exploding because it was so wonderful, Ståhl enthuses.
Ståhl states that if he were to start a band himself, he would play maracas or tambourines.
– Lenni-Kalle Taipale also went on stage with Arpa. Lenni-Kalle said that she wants to be a TET trainee in that band. I was like, I want too, let’s go. We haven’t informed them yet that we will become TET trainees, but we will, Ståhl smiles.
Katja Ståhl breeds horses. Pete Anikari
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