Katie Price and her fiance Carl Woods were spotted at Gatwick Airport on Sunday, putting on an affectionate display before flying off to Ireland. The couple has had a tumultuous relationship since 2020, with several public bust-ups, but things have appeared to be sailing smoothly since the start of the year. Katie affectionately stroked Carl’s face and even put her arm around him while they waited to board their flight. The media personality pulled her hair back into a high ponytail, appearing typically glamorous, while Carl sipped on a coca cola from his Gucci carry-on. Over recent weeks, the couple has dropped hints of getting back together, with Carl supporting Katie on TV and the couple re-following each other on social media. They got engaged after a whirlwind 10-month romance, with Carl asking for Katie’s parents and son Junior’s permission. Although they have split a few times since then, they are officially back together and enjoying an Easter break in Ireland with Harvey.