Also this year the date known by the Vippos of the final of Big Brother Vip it’s not the right one. The reality show stretches and goes well beyond mid-December, as everyone believed, ending instead in mid-March. As happened in the last edition, also this year there is the risk that not everyone will remain until the end and that someone, instead, will abandon in December. Who, then, can really leave the house before the real end of Big Brother Vip? A competitor has already announced her retirement: it is Katia Ricciarelli.
Just before the 21st live stream, Clarissa Selassié asked her if she would continue the adventure if the end of the reality show slipped forward. Ricciarelli’s answer was straight: “No no, absolutely”. Those who seem more than determined to continue are the Selassiè sisters. With them too Sun and Sophie, who already speculated to celebrate their birthday at the end of December in the House of Big Brother Vip.