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Kathy Hochul will ask New York school employees to get vaccinated against the coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

calls from a person in theWater.upon arrival, they found thepatients on the shore and weretransferred to jacoby hospital.kathy hochul makes history inbecome the first womanin ruling the state againyork. in its first day, thefirst executive regardingback to class. romy cabraltells us a lot more.romy: is a historical history fornew York . kathy hochul setoday became the firststate governor and 57who occupies that position. doesa few hours he made his firstaddress to the recentstate. said it’s hispriority is to recover thepandemic status. made itsfirst term, is relatedwith making mandatory the use ofthe vaccine for staffthe schools and also the useof the masks.the governor said thatwill require vaccination for the wholeschool staff with theweekly exam option andwhat is he instructinghealth department forenforce the use of masksto enter schools. itswhen with his relatives hecarried out the ceremonyswearing in with thereverend blessing and waterin exchange for the judge di fiori.maías univisón counts on whatwas the third half of thefew that could doquestions. we question theparticipation of the minoritiesin your administration.he said he wants people to hisaround that they know whatare they doing, what do you needtime for your advisorscheck the profiles ofsuitable candidates forgovernment positions and whatseeks to have a diverse teamin every sense. also himwe asked about how to streamlinethe delivery of workersworker resourcesexcluded.said it will focus ondistribute all the aid thatNew Yorkers need it.each oath there was aprivate agreement between hochul andstate. they both said trustin which the new administrationtends to an atmosphere atparticipatory, they expressed thatthey seem to have for the firstonce a woman in charge ofstate.the president of the senate saidbe happy that she is a ladywho heads the table oftalks.in which until recently alonewas she and whatthey will work to decide on whatmake it better for new york.the president of the assemblystated that the priority isstreamline matters relating torecovery of the state afterof the pandemic and distributepending aid. added beingcomfortable being now the only oneman and mine between thethree people with the power ofstate. we talk to the

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