Home » today » News » Kathy Hochul Signs Law That Will Allow Marijuana Cultivation in New York State | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Kathy Hochul Signs Law That Will Allow Marijuana Cultivation in New York State | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the six and the…rafael: attention because theGovernor affirms the projectof cannabis cultivation law ormarijuana in new york fromthat state isabel peralta usexplains the rules to followthe process to obtaintemporary licenses. let’s see.With this new legislationyork is creating a licenseconditional for farmersfrom the state so they canharvest this cannabis orrecreational marijuana duringthis year’s growing season2022 and as a way topreparation for a market thatis expected to open inany time nextyear. according to this newlaw signed this Tuesday by thegovernor, farmersmust meet certainrequirements such as practices ofsafe, sustainable andenvironmentally friendlyenvironment. participation in aequity mentoring programsocial and participation in alabor peace agreement with agood work organizationfarmers with this license? they can grow this in the airfree. so they can do it inglass for a maximum of twoyears. this after youhave given the license. podánmanufacture and distribute producttwo of flowers without having oneprocessing license ordistribution for the use ofAdults until June 12023. however, in order toget this licenseconditional for the cultivation ofcannabis for adultsapplicant must have been aresearch partner ofauthorized industrial cannabisby the department ofagriculture and marketing.must have cultivatedcannabis for its contentintoxicated before during two ofthe last four years and thismust be in order fromof December 31, 2021 thatis when the program endsof investigation. theGovernor says she feelsproud to have signed thisbill that has beenconverted into law andallows farmers in thebeen the first and theleaders in developing thisindustry that she defines assafe, equitable and inclusive.says that with this newindustry sell opportunitieseconomic growth andjobs for allNew Yorkers anywherestate kidney. I’m Isabel

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