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Kathy Hochul Accepts the Office of Governor of New York in a Private Ceremony | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

extended prognosis.we wake up with the governor.it’s about the first womanto run the state againYork appointment took fromsomewhat unexpected waydue to the political situation,you are expected to have a goodperformance against this charge.we are going to manhattan what hasall the details about thisit was historical.Isabel: a lot of love forliliana from here. I tell youthat the current governorhochul,became a little aftermidnight, paó to be fromvice governor on the first trywoman to be governor ofhere in new york. It was aprivate ceremony at thecapitol and aftermonths of controversywith accusations towards himGovernor Cuomo, after theoath,from ufalo,now officially becomesthe first female governor ofnew Yorkand just be who nowfrom now on take the reinsof the state.after the former governorcuomoafter 11 womenthey imposed accusationsof sexual harassment, the president,now 62 year old democratit will last until the end of 2022,plan to apply for afull mandate,as governor next year.now has the challenges ofdeal with a recent increaseof coronavirus cases,unemployment is now doublethan it was two years ago andfaces get helpfederal for tenants andhome owners. namedtwo women as mainassistants.also here the communityHispanic has beenwondering what they arethe governor’s plans tothis Latino community.if it will give you an important positionof leadership to some Latinothat can understand theproblems you faceour community.the governor is expectedhe ranks with leaderslegislative.another ceremony is expected and it waslate a speechand that it addresses the whole

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