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Kathrine Sørland: – Shares good news:

Monday could model and TV personality Kathrine Sørland (42) reveal good news. She and her husband Andreas Holck (51) have in fact bought a cottage plot in Sørlandet and the start of construction is just around the corner.

– This is great fun. Here it will be enjoyed, Sørland tells Dagbladet about the dream cabin, which will be built on Sørlandsleia cabin field in Tvedestrand.

Sørland describes it as the perfect distance from their home on Nesøya, and it is also closer to her family who live in Stavanger.

Ready to start

Buying a cottage plot is not something you do every day, but the TV personality reveals that the purchase is not something they have planned for a long time.

STAR MEETING: Kathrine Sørland met President Donald Trump when she competed to become Miss Universe in 2004. That was how it was. Video: Nina Hansen. Reporter: Ruben Pedersen. Photo: Geir Hamnes. Facsimile: See and Hear. Clip: Ingebjørg Iversen / See and Hear
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– It’s a bit typical of me, here it goes fast in the turns. From the time we looked at the plot until we decided, it probably took no more than a couple of weeks, she laughs and adds that life is too short to wait.

Now, however, everything is ready for Sørland, Holck and his son Leon to start the construction process of the dream cabin.

– Everything is ready to start. Now we have just been there and measured and “placed” the cabin (the dimensions of the cabin, journ. Note) on the plot, and among other things planned which direction the view should be and such. Everything has been done now, so now it will start soon.

– It is also so much fun to be part of the whole construction process, she adds and says that she has already started planning everything from the interior to what kind of flowers she will have on the site.

DOCTOR’S DECLARATION: In this week’s episodes of “Drømmehytta”, Tore Petterson and Merethe Lindgjerdet are participants, and there Tore says that he has a doctor’s certificate against cabin trips. Video: TV 2
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Common project

Last summer it became known that Sørland and Holck went back to each other after three years of separation.

– Andreas and I have had a couple of years break, so now we start in a way again with a project together. I think it will be nice, she says and adds that her son Leon also “thinks it’s a great party” with a cabin.

According to the plan, the cabin will be finished by the autumn of next year, and Sørland does not hide the fact that next year will be used precisely on the cabin.

This summer, however, the family has other plans. Soon they will go on a long-awaited holiday trip.

HURT: Not everything is filmed at “Sommerhytta”, for example when Lise was injured. Video: Steffen Pettersen / TV 2
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– It will be two weeks in Thailand, and then we end in Singapore, so I’m really looking forward to it! We have rented a really nice house, she says about this year’s summer plans.

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