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Kate Middleton: this wink of … it cute to Prince Charles on the birthday shot of Prince William

It was a beautiful day to celebrate Anmer Hall. Sunday, June 21, le prince William celebrated its 38th anniversary. To pay tribute to the Duke of Cambridge, Kensington Palace has unveiled new pictures of the father, accompanied by his three children, prince george, princess charlotte and prince louis. Tender photos, “taken earlier in the month” according to the palace, as always by Kate Middleton, she who is a passionate photographer at heart.

In the first photo, Prince William sits on a swing in the garden of the Anmer Hall mansion, in Norfolk County. Smiling, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are standing behind and behind their father’s right. True to his extravagance, the 5-year-old girl looks at her mother’s goal with a teasing look, and rests lightly on the shoulder of the Duke of Cambridge. Finally, the youngest, Prince Louis, took his place on his father’s lap who hug tenderly.

A gift from 2011

At first glance, you might think that this family photo pays homage only to Cambridge. And yet he is hiding there a wink … he addressed … to Prince Charles ! A curious revelation made by Rebecca English, the royal correspondent for the Daily Mail. On her Twitter account, the expert in crowned heads explained: “Some people speculate on the swing on which the family poses in the photo. I did not double check. But from memory, i’m pretty sure this swing was given by prince charles william and kate as a wedding gift, she explained, before specifying that the object was produced by a small British company, entitled “The Oak & Rope”. Information that turns out to be true, and rightly so, the company has itself reposted on the social networks the Cambridge family photo, sending a tender birthday message to Prince William.

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