Home » today » World » Katarzyna Figura is concerned about the situation of people with disabilities in Poland

Katarzyna Figura is concerned about the situation of people with disabilities in Poland

Cezary Orłowski is a student of the Warsaw Film School who invited you to participate in his movie “I am” Katarzyna Figura. The actress accepted the offer and played a mother who takes care of her son Bartek and runs a funeral home.

– The main character, Bartek, played by Szymon Grzech, is a person with Down syndrome and meets the second main character, Paula, played by Paula Rakowska. The idea of ​​this film was to show their first love not through the prism of disability, but simply young people who are entering life – says the star on Dzień Dobry TVN.

Cezary Orłowski is both the screenwriter and director of “I Am”. The world premiere of his film will take place during the Krakow Film Festival.

Katarzyna Figura feels the need to be missionary, which is why she does not shy away from projects that aim to raise socially difficult topics. Cezary Orłowski’s film belongs to this type of production.

– In our country, the life of caregivers and people with disabilities is very difficult. These are people who are thrown to the margins – says the actress, referring to the plot of “I Am”. – There is a scene in the film when these young people are getting married, and Polish law actually prohibits disabled people from getting married. You have to apply to the court and the court rarely grants such permission – says the star.

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Author: Berenika Olesińska

Source of the main photo: Paweł Wodzyński/East News

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