Home » today » Entertainment » Katarzyna Cichopek comes out of “Questions for Breakfast” for the first time after the announcement of THE PARTITION with her husband (PHOTOS)

Katarzyna Cichopek comes out of “Questions for Breakfast” for the first time after the announcement of THE PARTITION with her husband (PHOTOS)

Katarzyna Cichopek and Marcin Hakiel they were one of the most famous couples in Polish show business. Their love story could serve as a script for a film – the actress and dancer met in “Dancing with the Stars” and got so close that they ended up on a wedding carpet and had two children.

Over the years, they have developed a business in the form of a network of dance schools and made a considerable fortune. Unfortunately, this story does not have a “happy end”, because on Friday Kasia and Marcin informed that divorce after 14 years of marriage.

See also: Katarzyna Cichopek is running away from the question of Przemysław Czarnek’s newest idea!

Cichopek and Hakiel asked for “respect for their privacy” and did not give the reason for their separation, leaving room for speculation. While in the comments, Internet users flit theories about it, spouses start a new chapter in life separately. Marcin at the beginning treated himself to a metamorphosis.

Meanwhile Kate she immediately threw herself into work. On Monday, the paparazzi spotted her when she left the studio “Questions for Breakfast”. The 39-year-old was dressed in denim pants and a jacket with a turtleneck underneath. For this she chose sports shoes and a white purse.

The celebrity had a book under her arm and she was smiling broadly. Professional?

In the latest episode of Pudelek Podcast, we will reveal the backstage of Królikowski’s clash with the reporter Pudelka and we will tell you about who the Poles do not like. We also explain why we have excluded comments under the articles about the situation in Ukraine.

She is happy (or pretends to be), He is overwhelmed by sadness. Sorry 🥺

How much does such advertising cost you?

artificial and pretend, not professional

A fake smile stuck to the face, this lady pretends a lot

I don’t like white bags

Latest comments (78)

She blooms, and Hakiel like a beaten dog. It happens and so .. such a crazy frog did not suit the great TVP star.

And they will play about her non-stop again, maybe she will even get a role or two …

I am so happy I went shopping, you need to divide the fortune as there is no intertyzy

And who is this Zcichapęk? Some moral authority or somehow?

Maybe I’m wrong, but she made such an impression that she was with him because she was there for the children, but in fact he was just such a ball and he kept up with her …

Horrible styling, raglan sleeves, jibes okrooooos, but what is such a fashion? It is a pity, because it is terrible.

Can anyone advise this lady on how to dress?

I want to laugh at all these celebrity actions, they have already lost themselves in this illusion so much that even if they see how ridiculous and pathetic they are – the first correction of the untied shoelace after parting with her husband, the first exit in oversized pants that emphasize anyway ugly body proportions, the first poop after parting with her husband … Miss nobody and her parting: D

Cichopki more important than the war. When I opened the fridge today, I thought they would pop out

Die from the screen because your eyes hurt, you are the same. Two failing celebrities like your friend fly

Hakiel is with Sand now

He’s probably already got a woman, he’s cool not to crap with her, they announced the divorce first. The helmet will slowly find someone. It’s not the end of the world

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