Home » today » Entertainment » Katarzyna Cichopek as the new host of “Questions for Breakfast”. With whom in a duet?

Katarzyna Cichopek as the new host of “Questions for Breakfast”. With whom in a duet?

Katarzyna Cichopek has become the new host of the TVP program “Questions for Breakfast”. The “colorful bird” – Macademian Girl is saying goodbye to the audience. Her co-leader, Robert El Gendy, is also leaving. Robert Kurzajewski will appear in his place.

Katarzyna Cichopek and Robert Kurzajewski together as the host of the “Question for Breakfast” program – this is official information. In the TVP breakfast room, the pair will replace Macademian Girl and Robert El Gendy. As “Fakt” informed, the new duo will make their debut as leaders soon.

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Katarzyna Cichopek and Maciek Kurzajewski will lead the PnŚ

The reason for the decision to oust Macademian Girl and El Gendy was the low viewership of this couple. Apparently the lowest of all PnŚ duets. The authorities of the station decided to give Kasia Cichopek and Maciej Kurzajewski a chance.

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The new pair of hosts has been known to the TVP authorities for a long time. For 20 years, Cichopek has played the role of Kinga Zduńska in the flagship TVP soap opera: “M jak miłość”, and Maciej Kurzajewski has already run many different formats – including “Question for Breakfast”. For him, it will be not so much a debut as a return, although we will see how he will go hand in hand with Cichopek.

Macademian Girl referred to the information about the separation from TVP. Tamara Gonzalez Perea in an interview with the Internet user did not hide the unpleasant emotions and surprise related to the sudden decision of the station. She and El Gendy have been fired despite further episodes scheduled for them.

Is it true that you are leaving with Robert, the PNŚ?“asked the question and Gonzalez Perea replied regretfully:

Yes, we were exchanged for another pair“- she said, and after a while received expressions of regret. When she thanked her, she got an unexpected compliment, which was also a pin towards the new leaders:

I know for which, but it seems to me that the leading speech will be a failure as well as the leader, Mikołaj Roznerski would be better as the leader“someone wrote.


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