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Katarina Flatland “set a spanking record” with Eyvind Hellstrøm – VG

HELPERS: Katarina Flatland (tv), Marion Ravn and assistant cook Mathilde Overaa helped Eyvind Hellstrøm run the bistro when Truls Svendsen had to throw in the apron.

A bunch of celebrities are drawn in among pots and tablecloths when Hellstrøm and Svendsen create a pop-up bistro together. Some of them had to step in when, according to TV 2, Svendsen was affected by both corona and dysentery.


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“Truls à la Hellstrøms Bistro” premieres on TV 2 on 18 August. There, star chef Hellstrøm has – allegedly reluctantly – been convinced by presenter Svendsen to run a restaurant again.

You obviously need celebrities to help you with this, and in the ten-episode series there will be more of them.

– Everyone who was involved contributed in their own unique way, says Svendsen.

– Whether it was Henrik Fladseth with humor that made even Eyvind smile, Vita and Wanda who were offered a job as waiters by one of the guests, Katarina Flatland who set a whipping record with Eyvind or Marion Ravn who went on with a real classic song for dessert – just to name a few.

Flatland admits that she can recognize herself in Svendsen’s statement:

– I’ve probably been a bit cynical, yes.

She says that it was rooted in a desire to be liked by the star chef, whom she describes as “so authoritarian, skilled and clever”.

– I have picked up that Eyvind often talks about being close to the raw materials. Among other things, I made sure to mention that it is something I also think is important. Then he became very enthusiastic, laughs Flatland, adding that this tactic did not work in the long run.

– Suddenly he thought I was a gossip.

See some of Hellstrøm and Svendsen’s helpers in the gallery here:

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Svendsen, Mayoo Indiran and Hellstrøm.

According to Svendsen, however, it was another well-known TV 2 profile that perhaps stood out the most:

– It is clear that when Harald Rønneberg was about to spill all the batter for the crêpe suzette when he took his very first step into the kitchen, and then fell down the stairs and overturned half the restaurant, I sweated a little extra!

The presenter is just as grateful for the help.

– Well, neither they nor I really knew what we were getting into, and with a furious Hellstrøm in the kitchen, I’m almost surprised that anyone agreed to help us at all, he laughs.

Lack of competence

– There was a lot of mess, blood, sweat and tears, Hellstrøm says of the helpers.

– As expected, there was a lot of good will and enthusiasm and charm, but there was a bit of lack of competence and endurance!

Hellstrøm believes it quickly became clear that Svendsen had underestimated the amount of work needed to run a bistro.

– So it was very good that he brought some helpers with him.

Svendsen himself is the first to admit that Hellstrøm is right about this.

– Now I am left with an enormous, newfound respect for the people who have this as a profession. And I’m really going to think twice when I go out to eat again, maybe watch a bit through the fingers – because now I’ve been on the other side and know how tiring it is.


It was also tiring when, during the recording, Svendsen is said to have first contracted a round of corona – and a little later, social sickness.

– That meant that there was a lot more for me to do! I got the feeling that I was “the last man standing”, says Hellstrøm.

– He got replacements, but he was so fussy and called us on FaceTime and wanted to be with us the whole time anyway!

– It was only because I thought it was so much fun to be involved, counters Svendsen.

– But it is clear, I would have preferred to avoid the disease, because I felt an incredibly guilty conscience towards Eyvind and my replacements, who had much more to do. But everyone rolled up their sleeves and gave it their all.

Henrik Fladseth is associated Max Social, which is a wholly owned profile agency in VGTV AS. VG’s editorial assessments are made independently of this. The editors are free. An overview of bindings for profiles who carry out assignments for VG is located her.

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