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Kasselakis LIVE on MEGA’s main news bulletin – 2024-03-17 07:23:25

Stefanos Kasselakis is currently hosted at MEGA’s main news bulletin.

See LIVE image:

Excerpts from the interview of St. Kasselakis

The Greek knows who is clean and who wants to serve his country.

I’ve melted my shoes all over the country.

I have transferred all the participation in the companies. The lobster boats were part of a publicly traded company that I ended up working with a year ago.

I no longer have a stake in companies. I have transferred all the shares.

The law was created to prevent Greek politicians from making black money abroad. Not so that they don’t put white meaa. Mr. Mitsotakis had five years to change the law. The law was obviously wrong.

Don’t confuse justice with the media. If I am called to give explanations in court, I will give them. Stefanos Kasselakis never wants to be archived. If I have to pay a fine, I will pay it.

I will give explanations on 30/6 with where you are concerned.

The loan money has been returned in the same way and at a loss.

What they have tried to blame me for has failed. Much panic from Mr. Greenberg.

I will give the loan agreement to the Court, if I am called. This information is a given because I am a law-abiding citizen. The Greek knows both where and how. He does not know where Mr. Mitsotakis’s family is from. Politicians should be servants and not lords.

It is not usual for the president to lend money to the parties. Can Biden lend his party?

Greece can and deserves better.

There is obscenity in the stream.

There is not even 1% to send the country to the rocks.

Why doesn’t the government reduce VAT? He admits that there are oligopolies.

We are in 24th place out of 27 in purchasing power. The Greece of Mykonos and opulence is in the worst positions and in the best in terms of businessmen’s dividends.

The tax bill will have an explosion of development and a crackdown on tax evasion.

You have not mentioned the abolition of advance tax. It’s an unfair measure because the freelancer is stuck showing zero income to avoid paying.

The cycle of 2015-19 has closed for SYRIZA. There is a new one that has opened that includes a major facelift. I was in America trying to get back on my feet. For these persons you can contact Alexis Tsipras. And Nikos Pappas and Pavlos Polakis enjoy my trust. They do a very good job in Finance and Transparency.

I wasn’t in the government and I don’t know what was going on. I have other issues to deal with that are burning.

I do not know the motivations of each Minister at the time. We have a prime minister who had set up with his nephew a whole surveillance apparatus. He has been in the Areopagus for so many months and we hear nothing.

Let the Justice judge if there were unfortunate interventions. We have a government that is chasing after a leader with theories and anger while it itself has not taken any responsibility for a crime.

Justice needs many intersections.

I have met Alexis after the Conference. No, I do not consider Tsipras a subversive at all. He’s not going to question me. He was a good prime minister.

I will not be a candidate in the European elections nor will I claim a seat in the Parliament from the State.

Alexis is the former president and former prime minister and has every right to express his opinion about the party. Alexis is with us.

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