Home » today » World » Kasselakis invaded Liaga’s set: “I am the leader of the Official Opposition, can’t you have a little respect?” (Video) – 2024-03-15 18:55:20

Kasselakis invaded Liaga’s set: “I am the leader of the Official Opposition, can’t you have a little respect?” (Video) – 2024-03-15 18:55:20

On Friday morning, shortly after his interview with George Papadakis, the president of SYRIZA-PS, Stefanos Kasselakis, invaded the set of Giorgos Liagas’ show.

“I will live it all”said the presenter when he suddenly appeared in front of him. “Do you still sell Citroen? How many viewers do you have and you haven’t managed to sell a car?’ said Stefanos Kasselakis, with Giorgos Liagas commenting on the fact that the president of SYRIZA was holding his own dog in his arms. “Will you take her with you to the army?”he asked him and continued: “Did Tyler take Farley with him to America?”

“The report was wrong, it was half. Did you see that I have people everywhere following you and sending me pictures?“, the presenter continued.

“Here you have something in common with Mitsotakis”replied the president of SYRIZA and Giorgos Liagas burst out laughing, and replied: “Mitsotakis was watching the phones.”

“Let’s see if Fouska likes Citroen”reported Stefanos Kasselakis with Giorgos Liagas answering: “You have come to troll the political system, I have a feeling.” “Troll the political system, with a fair tax system” replied the leader of the official opposition meaningfully.

«To show the socks a little. You went from lobster boats to lobster socks”Giorgos Liagas continued, with the president of SYRIZA-PS saying: “Here we are!”showing the lobster socks.

«So, this is the soldier’s sock?’the presenter asked. “Is this a camp?”Stefanos Kasselakis asked for his part and continued: “I’ve heard you treat the workers like you’re in a boot camp.”

«There is no one more democrat than me. I’m left handed. Center left, not SYRIZA” George Liagas answered and a clip was shown with George Clooney who played the lobster boat driver in the movie “The Perfect Storm”.

«Who is prettier? You or George Clooney?’asked the presenter, with Stefanos Kasselakis answering: “I’m the leader of the Official Opposition, can’t you have some respect?’

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