As you know, Kasher, real name Kaspars Blūms-Blūmanis, this month seduced his beloved John. And now Andris Kivičs started to give advice to them on Facebook – that they should already become the first open gay couple in Latvia to raise a child “from scratch”. In Kiivi’s opinion, it would be very interesting for the public, including Andris himself, to watch it from the sidelines.
“They should actually raise the child from day one,” Kiivics said. “Let them not collect a child at some reasonable age, such as two years. Let them enjoy raising a child from day one. Let them, in principle, feed their child a mixture,” says the musician, without explaining whether his opinion is Kashers. has asked at all. It is possible that Andris was encouraged to speak by the fact that he knows Kaspars well, has been to his home and is generally considered to be the coolest guy on the planet.
Kasher and his friend are now the flagships of all gay men in Latvia, Kivičs believes. “They are open, they have come out of the closet, they are publishing their lives, and I just congratulate them that they are not hiding. But they could also be the first gays in Latvia who actually take and really raise a child from scratch.”
“I think it would be interesting for the public to see if that’s possible at all and how this child grows up for two men,” says Andris, admitting that “it will grow up perfectly okey.” Because Kiviča was raised by her mother and grandmother. And Andris believes that same-sex couples are quite capable of raising children, and there is no shortage of love and attention in such families.