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Kasatpol PP Makassar Revealed that he had threatened Najamuddin regarding the love triangle

MakassarHead of Makassar Police Headquarters Muhammad Iqbal Asnan was revealed to have threatened Makassar Transportation Agency officer Najamuddin Sewang regarding a love triangle. The threat was conveyed to Najamuddin’s brother, Juni Sewang.

“It’s a love triangle if the initials IA (Iqbal Asnan) mentioned by the Head of the Resort Police are I know, because IA himself had contacted me directly and stated that there was threatening pressure in it,” said the victim’s brother, Juni Sewang when met at the Makassar Police, Saturday. (16/4/2022).

Juni said the threat from Kasatpol PP Makassar had been conveyed since 2019. Juni received the threat over the phone.

“He threatened me directly. He spoke directly to me by phone, ‘if it’s not your brother, I’ll kill him’,” said Juni.

After the threat was submitted, Juni admitted that he immediately clarified it to the victim, Najamuddin Sewang. Juni had asked the victim to stop approaching the woman who was suspected of being the key to this problem.

“Long before the deceased joined Dishub I was warned. There are staff that you are not allowed to open spaces,” he explained.

Juni added that Kasatpol PP Makassar had introduced a woman who was suspected of being a love triangle to him. The incident occurred before Iqbal Asnan held a position at the Makassar Transportation Agency.

“One of the Dishub employees (the woman in question). She is still active and has a position at the Transportation Agency. If it is in accordance with what I thought,” he said.

As previously reported, Makassar Polrestabes have named Makassar Police Chief Muhammad Iqbal Asnan as a suspect in the deadly shooting of Makassar Transportation Agency officer Najamuddin Sewang. Iqbal Iqbal was named a suspect along with 3 other people.

“For the suspect, we give initials, the first is S, the second is MIA (Muhammad Iqbal Asnan), the third is AKM, and the fourth is A,” said Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budi Haryanto in his statement at Makaassar Police Headquarters, Saturday (16/4). .

Iqbal and 3 other people were named suspects after the police conducted an investigation and examined 20 witnesses.

“We have examined as many as 20 witnesses and we have named 4 as suspects,” he said.

Budi also emphasized that the fatal shooting case was related to a love triangle.

“For the motive of this perpetrator is a love triangle, personal motive. There is no terror in Makassar City, but this is a personal matter so the shooting occurred on Sunday 3 April 2022,” he stressed.

Watch Videos “Makassar Transportation Agency Officer Killed Shot, Here’s the Video Record
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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