Home » today » Entertainment » Karolina Korwin Piotrowska greets her friends urging her to plastic surgery: “WD * PĘ TO SOBIE SOBIE”

Karolina Korwin Piotrowska greets her friends urging her to plastic surgery: “WD * PĘ TO SOBIE SOBIE”

Karolina Korwin Piotrowska, the chief Polish commentator of the broadly understood media environment, is known primarily for her sharp language, especially in the context of topics commonly considered controversial. A journalist through the years of her presence in the world of entertainment she managed to criticize a large group of native celebrities. By the way, she has a large crowd of anti-fans, whom she willingly makes aware of or simply blocks on her Instagram.

In one of the last posts Korwin Piotrowska referred to the text on Pudelek about Jennifer Gray, the star of the movie “Dirty Dancing”, who after the premiere of the cult production went through two treatments to improve the shape of her distinctive nose. After many years, the actress admitted that she had undergone surgery at the urging of her mother, but in the long run she regretted this decision. Piotrowska took a closer look at the situation of the Hollywood star, emphasizing that many women struggle with similar complexes and the pressure of society.

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In the post, Korwin Piotrowska showed the story of Gray as proof that listening to the advice of others instead of following your own intuition and needs leads to an unwanted blending into the crowd:

It was original, one in a billion, and a great girl. In an instant, she merged with the background of clone-like women with even, perfect noses – she wrote.

The end of the journalist’s post was directed to people known to her, who are trying to encourage her to treat themselves to plastic surgery:

I greet my “friends” who, by calling me after a long hearing loss, invite me to an operation for drooping eyelids. Put it in your bed. Right there. Such words are like cancer – she stated emphatically.

She added her three cents in the subject of complexes and canons of beauty Julia Wieniawa. In a comment under the post, she revealed that she did not accept her appearance in the past. The person who made her realize that just natural is beautiful was her father.

My dad always told me this story when I looked in the mirror and hated my nose Julka confessed referring to Gray’s operation.

He spoke to you great, he was right – commented Korwin Piotrowska.

Let’s accept ourselves, girls, stop making clones of yourself

He is right. Just look at most celebrities. They look like clones. If it weren’t for the signatures, I wouldn’t know which is which.

He is right, naturalness prevails 🙂 and not artificial nails, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, hair, eyelids, cheeks, tits …

And he is right, it is enough to look at Racewicz in the street, etc.

It usually looks worse after the operations, the scratches do not match. An example of Maff, Lewandowska and Opozda. Strange, too small noses

Latest comments (56)

Please don’t do any plastic surgery.

Bravo for the sharp retort. for what we want the most; well, normality, without CELEBRITIES, who only litter the market and are to the delight of the crowd.

And Julka’s father is right. Without her nose, this girl would not be remembered

What does it matter to her? Let everyone look what they want, there is an expert on everything. Let him look at himself more critically first …

And I did nose surgery. He is beautiful, he finally feels like himself!

In my opinion, sometimes I can do well. An example is Anna Wedzikowska – she currently has a beautiful nose. I think that it gained a lot when it comes to show business as well. However, sometimes such an operation may be unfavorable – an example is Maffashion. He looks worse with that nose definitely. She lost all charm.

You will see that in some time there will be a mod of “reconstruction operation to the original form”. We will have so many clones that we will all get bored of it. People who look different, who have “that something” different, will attract attention.

And carolina surely didn’t have any operation, minor corrections?

Bravo, Karolina – 200% of the correct answer.

I can feel another book in the air … This time about plastic surgery

yes, Julka, you are beautiful until the syringe is marred with a scalpel

And she wouldn’t be able to reply like that to her supposed friends? of everything there must be an Insta fast and an appeal to the nation? And I think there is something wrong with me, because none of my friends who did / corrected something there and did not hide it from me, tried to persuade me to do anything. Or they are weird :-))

He is right! All these good advice: and I’m in your position, this, or that, etc., you should do this, etc., only make those who give these advice. Acting against myself to please others, hoping that if I am satisfied, I will be liked / loved / respected, it always ends badly for the submissive. As a rule, the person who advises wants to control, feel a peculiar power, and not love and respect.

Free will, everyone decides for himself, I do not pick on anyone. If it makes someone happy about it

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