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Karine Viard, Marina Foïs and Helena Noguerra lend their voices to migrants in Caen [Vidéo]

Since the publication of the manifesto “Hospitality “, the cultural actors of the agglomeration * of Caen are committed in favor of migrants. Marcial di Fonzo Bo (Comedy of Caen) even asked actresses to highlight their life stories. A debate evening is organized on March 5.

Who are the 450 migrants, who found refuge in the squats of Caen? Where do they come from ? What are their personal stories? What path did they have to take to come to Normandy? What are they up against? They are called migrants, a generic term with connotations, which says nothing about their lives. They are men and women, like you and me, fathers and mothers of families. Their only hope? Give their children a future.

To bring them out of the shadows, the comedy of Caen, the cultural actors of the region * and three actresses, Karin Viard, Marina Foïs and Helena Noguerra, have decided to lend their voices by telling the personal story of Somaya, Ahmad, Mira, Motassim, Luis Daniel, Gundegmaa where it is question of flight, of fear, of back and forth.

Participants: the director of the Comédie de Caen, Marcial di Fonzo Bo, (top left) and his teams, Yannick Reix (top right), director of the café des images, and volunteers from associations.

These videos are visible at the Images Café before each screening. “My name is Somaya, I’m 23 years old. I was born in Afghanistan. Childhood memories, I don’t have any. Why was I born Afghan and not French or German? Hunted From Afghanistan, forbidden of stay in Iran, threatened with expulsion in France, why don’t I have a country to rest? “

Story told by Karin Viard, Marina Foïs and Helena Noguerra

“My name is Ahmad, I am Syrian, I am 33 years old. I was an Arabic teacher in a high school in Aleppo. In 2011, the war broke out (…) One day, the police arrested me “

Story told by: Marcial Di Fonzo Bo and Grace Rufin from the Comédie de Caen, Aurélien Barbaux and Ariane Guerre from the choreographic center of Caen in Normandy – Olivier Lopez from the Cité Théâtre – Amélie Clément from the Cie le Ballon vert

My name is Mira, I am 34 years old. I was born in a small town in Albania (…) After a month, the prefecture tells me that I must return to Holland, where I was registered the first time, then to Albania for three months before returning to France and requesting asylum again …

The difficulties are nothing in France compared to those I will encounter in Albania. I live in such fear that I changed my name.

MIRA (Nothing human is foreign to me) from Comedy of Caen on Vimeo.

“My name is Motassim, I am 29 years old. Since my childhood, I have only seen human rights violations, abuse of power, anarchy, corruption. I am Sudanese and it is in my country that I want to work …”

I refuse to think like many that there is no way out, that we are doomed

MOTASSIM (Nothing that is human is foreign to me)

  • Luis Daniel’s story

“My name is Luis Daniel, I am 32 years old. I lived in Angola. In January 2014, we saw bulldozers arrive …

When I sink I remember before and I say to myself, you are whole, you walk, and it keeps me upright

Video of LUIS DANIEL (Nothing that is human is foreign to me)

“My name is Gundegmaa, I am 46 years old. My husband is in danger of death. We fled with our daughters to western Mongolia …”

My daughters no longer want to be moved around like objects. None of my children know their country of origin anymore

GUNDEGMAA (Nothing that is human is foreign to me)

* The 500 signatories of the manifesto: the Comédie de Caen, the choreographic center, the Café des images, the Renaissance, the Panta and several theater companies … All the signatories to read on this site

The petition has already collected 680 signatures

The petition has already collected 680 signatures

A support evening on March 5 at the Comédie de Caen. Objective: one evening per month!

See you at 7:00 p.m. at the Comédie de Caen.“We want to provoke meetings between citizens, associations and migrants”, warns Marcial di Fonzo Bo, the director of comedy of Caen.

There will be a reading of excerpts from the text “The suppliants” written by the Austrian Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004. A play written in 2013, in reaction to the migratory tragedy of Lampedusa and the hardening of the right to asylum in Europe. The author shows the failure of migration and asylum policies and the immense waste on the gaze carried to the Other, the Foreigner already consumed by loss, uprooting, poverty, dislocation, misfortune, nothingness….

“The goal is to raise awareness. We can all do something, at our level.”

For those who wish, they can extend the evening with the piece “Flames”, by Ahmed Madani. This play features Ten women, nof immigrant parents. For two years, Ahmed Madani listened to the stories of women from working-class neighborhoods. They each delivered their story, their visions, their hopes, providing the material from which the play was developed.

A video and a presentation text of the piece on this link

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