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Karine Oganesjan: the new municipal government has begun to destroy working public transport lines and play inclusion

Yesterday, a debate was held on Lasnamäe, where the deputy mayor representing Tallinn, Kristjan Järvan, explained the planned changes to those present. At the meeting with the deputy mayor, the residents expressed their dissatisfaction and concern that the reason for changing something that works well will not bring financial savings or bus traffic. .

Member of Tallinn City Council Karine Oganesjan He said that the city is planning changes in the public transport line network on Lasnamäe, which does not really take into account the real needs of the residents of the area. “It is still inconceivable why, under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Kristjan Järvan, it was decided to destroy working public transport lines, with which the residents of Lasnamäe could travel directly to Pirita and the airport without changing trains, not to mention the cemeteries,” said a member of the city council. “With the planned changes, the residents of Viimsi will be better connected, but at the expense of the residents of Lasnamäe. “Why the residents of Lasnamäe have to change seats with their suitcases to get to the airport and why the journey of the children of Lasnamäe to school has to be longer,” said Oganesjan.

“The proposed route changes will leave some residents of Lasnamäe so far away from bus traffic that the children’s journey to school will also be longer. In addition, neither staff nor patients can get to the hospital in Mustamäe without moving. All this does not encourage the movement of residents by car, because movements are not thought about so that people can do it smoothly. In addition, the buses planned for transfers are already often full,” continued Oganesjan and said that these changes show the current state of the city administration. doing more to show that something is still being done.

According to Oganesjan, the way in which the meeting with the residents of Lasnamäe was organized is also worrying. “I can’t imagine that the previous representation of the city government would come before the people and finish the debate after only an hour and a half, despite the fact that there are still a lot of questions and suggestions in the hall. If people came, those who came should be respected, because not everyone is able to submit proposals in writing on the Internet. People understand very well that this participation is a play,” a member of the city council shared his comments on the public meeting on Lasnamäe.

“I remember how the original plans for the reorganization of public transport reached the table of Mihhail Kõlvart city government, but these plans were put on hold because they were not based on the citizens of the city and made it inconvenient to travel on public transport. The city administration, however, has chosen another path – to destroy everything good that was built by the Center Party over the years,” said Oganesjan.

According to Karine Oganesjan, the residents of Lasnamäe are concerned that the route changes will reduce the availability of public transport and make daily journeys more difficult and longer. “The hottest topic at the meeting was the reorganization of the No. 49. The new city government says there is no facility, but at the same time it reorganizes the line that is already working and divides it into two, which really means an additional resource in the form of bus drivers, who are already in short supply. In addition, the plan is to eliminate line No. As for line No. 12, the new city government said at the meeting that there are already many buses on the Laagna road, but at the same time they plan to put another line there – No. 12, thus completely cutting off the northern part of Lasnamäe from this connection,” said Oganesjan.

He also said that when planning changes, the needs of local residents must be taken into account and that Lasnamäe is the largest district in Tallinn, where there are also the largest number of tax payers. “If there is a desire to deal with the development of the network of lines, it is necessary to start with duplicate lines, or ensure bus connections in new residential areas, such as the residential area of ​​Paekalda, where buses do not run at the moment. “

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