Every argument ends with death. If only everyone understood that.
From Detlef Esslinger
It is demonstrated almost every day that one should never take civility for granted; on Monday when not only #Ausgangssperre and #XabiAlonso were particularly frequent hashtags and terms on Twitter, but also #Strenz. The CDU member of the Bundestag Karin Strenz had suddenly died the previous evening; it was not her speeches in the Chamber, which is why she is known to many.
Karin Strenz had for years paid for her reputation for having been accused of lobbying for the Azerbaijan regime; Anyone who, as a member of the Bundestag, is not above all doubt, damages the reputation of all other members of the Bundestag as well. But now Strenz is dead, died at the age of 53, and of course, silence is in principle too much to ask of many in Twitteria. But does anyone really feel better now that they have emptied their bucket of malice?
Piety does not mean glorifying someone who was just angry with you. The Union parliamentary group abstained from any political appraisal on Monday, but it posted a photo of the deceased on its website, and its chairman expressed sympathy in two warm sentences. Every argument ends with death, which is actually easy to understand. Those who reflect on their decency are also doing a service to themselves.
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