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Karimanski told the truth about the BNB. His decision

“I remain one of the candidates for governor of the BNB. I had a conversation with the leadership of “There are such people” and they are determined to nominate me. “This was stated by the chairman of the budget committee in the parliament Lubomir Karimanski.

“Over the past week, I have received at least 5 different channels from various experts and advisers who have tried to persuade me, in one way or another, not to be nominated or to resign. “They think it is better for the coalition, or in particular one of the coalition partners, to nominate its candidate,” he said.

According to him, he does not know whether a specific candidate has been discussed.

“Perhaps each of the parties may want to nominate such a candidate, and I welcome that. In these conversations last week, I was told, “Calm down, there are other important posts.” I’m not fighting for a post. I have never fought for such. It is important for me to contribute something to how a central bank can really be modernized and responsible for the many issues that lie ahead, “Karimanski added.

“I expect that the inflation for the whole of 2022 in our country will be at least about 8.5%,” said the chairman of the budget committee in parliament.

“We should not end up in crisis situations, but know how to manage the risks,” said Lubomir Karimanski.

Asked whether it is possible to have a ceiling for basic food products in our country, he replied: “It is important what measures the government will take. I believe that prices should not be managed by decrees, but the government should intervene in a way that the market can take. It is important not to distort the markets, but to support them with capital. “


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