Home » today » Entertainment » Karel Šíp surprised the audience. If there is a shortage of sergeants, he is ready to help. He’s already dusted off the Morse code

Karel Šíp surprised the audience. If there is a shortage of sergeants, he is ready to help. He’s already dusted off the Morse code

Friday talk show by Karel Šíp All parties is one of the jewels of television entertainment. It has appeared on Czech Television screens for more than sixteen years, and although the time has changed since its inception, the show has not lost any of its originality and popularity. In Friday’s episode, Karel Šíp chose a rather unconventional introductory speech.

At the beginning, the moderator Karel Šíp thanked the audience for switching from news channels to his show. He then said, which he also wanted to follow: When the weapons speak, the muses are silent. ” However, his staff eventually told him. “On the one hand, they said I was not a muse, which is true. And secondly, if I was silent, I wouldn’t help anything, “ noted Arrow.

He then assured the audience that he was also thinking about how to help the situation at this difficult time and for millions of people. Then he surprised some spectators in the hall with his expression: “I’m even determined not to help humanitarianly, but militarily.” A cautious laughter of the onlookers followed, which he jokingly snapped at and continued: “I don’t think so, but I’m a sergeant in reserve. For many years. If there’s a shortage of sergeants all of a sudden, I’m ready. I can tell I’m a radio operator. A radio operator is a fairly outdated word, so if someone thinks a radio operator is advising, then no. My weapon is a Morse code. ”

To his disappointment, however, he learned from several chiefs of staff that Morse code was no longer used in combat today. “Which I’m sorry about, but I think when there’s nothing, the good old Morse code will be in the end,” said Arrow and told the audience that he was already reviving her. “For example, I’ll put together taddy tadda tady tdy. You know what it is, SOS, ” amused the audience in the hall. He then ended his introduction with the sentence: “Ty-dy-dy ta-da-da ty-dy-dy, remember that… ”

He then welcomed his guests. First, cartoonist Miroslav Kemel, popular actress Dana Morávková and footballer Christian Frýdek.

Dear Karel, thank you for inviting me to the show “Všechnopárty” @ceskatelevize. Will you watch on Friday 4.3? Let me know.🤗 Dana

Posted by Dana Morávková on Monday, February 28, 2022

Sources: author, Czech television


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