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Karaman. Five new hiking loops

The annual general meeting of the Caraman Randonnées Loisirs club was held at the Saint-Exupéry cultural centre. The session was opened by Jacqueline Winnepenninckx-Kieser, president since December 2021 of the Departmental Committee for Hiking 31 (CDRP 31), in the presence of Jean-Clément Cassan, Mayor of Caraman.

The club has 94 club memberships as of March 24 and 68 scheduled outings in 2021 despite the constraints and cancellations linked to the pandemic. We can highlight the notable events that allowed an outing with two weeks of hiking in May, one around Lake Annecy and one in Crete. The club also organized a first aid course with the SDIS 31. Five new hiking loops were created by the CRL at the request of the hiking federation (FFRP): the loop of the two castles (Loubens/Le Faget), du Dagour (Prunet), Del Blat Al Moulin (Cambiac), Castrum (Caraman), Boucle du Pistouillé (Ségreville).

License prices remain unchanged for the season, and the new office will be happy to welcome anyone interested.

new office

After deliberation, the new office is constituted as follows: Jacques Labarthe, president; Maud Missey, secretary; Jean-Paul Missey, treasurer; Delphine Lebreton, communications; Martine Bertrand, entertainment, Anne-Marie Bernard and Martine Bertrand, hiking commission; Anne-Marie Bernard and Delphine Lebreton, equipment commission; Henri Astorg and Jean-Jacques Giroudon, paths and marking commission.

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