Home » today » News » Kaohsiung science and technology law enforcement has been on the road for 14 days… This intersection has been crowned king of ban! Digital Exposure Network dumbfounded: Kaohsiung people are really good | Society | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Kaohsiung science and technology law enforcement has been on the road for 14 days… This intersection has been crowned king of ban! Digital Exposure Network dumbfounded: Kaohsiung people are really good | Society | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Lin Yuzi / Report from Kaohsiung

▲ On the 1st, Kaohsiung City added 16 science and technology police bureaus and banned a total of 468 cases in half a month. (Photo/Central News Agency)

Pay attention to passers-by, don’t break the rules and cause blood to leak into your wallet! Kaohsiung City added 16 intersections with new technology law enforcement and road stationary photometric equipment, which were officially launched on the 1st of this month. In just 14 days, the number of violations reached 468. Among them, the more violation was “turning right at a red light”. The intersection with the most accidents is “Lingya District Zhongzheng 1st Road/Exit Road on the west side of the highway (from north to south)”; but after the statistics were exposed, people were quite surprised, because Tainan science and technology law enforcement began on the road on the same day, and 7,199 violations were reported in 4 days, many netizens shouted : “Are Kaohsiung people better?”.

The Traffic Police Brigade of Kaohsiung City Police Department said that since 2018, illegal multi-directional “intersection technology law enforcement equipment” has been built at accident-prone intersections. From January to September this year , there were 201 traffic accidents and no technology laws In the first 3 years, compared to the average value of 299 accidents in the same period, there was a decrease of 98 accidents, equal to about 32.8%. Therefore, starting since December 1, 16 sections of heavy traffic road, including Lingya, Zuoying, Qianzhen and Xiaogang have been banned, of which Lingya District accounted for 5. There are the most places, and the Zhongzheng section accounts for 3 places.

▲“Zhongzheng 1st Road in Lingya District/Bypass on the west side of the expressway (north to south)” has the most bans, with a total of 84 cases. (Photo/Supplied by Traffic Police Brigade, Kaohsiung Police Station)

Added 16 bans imposed by technology. After half a month on the road, according to the statistics of the Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau Traffic Brigade, from December 1 to 14, a total of 468 cases were banned, including 132 cases of “running at a red light” and “turning right at a red light”. 258 cases, 78 cases of “non-compliance with the indications of horizontal signs”. According to statistics, turning right at a red light accounts for the largest number of violations, accounting for more than half of the total number of bans.

Among the 469 violations reported, “Zhongzheng 1st Road, Lingya District/West Side Road of Expressway (North to South)” has the most bans, with a total of 84 cases. However, this statistic has surprised many people, because compared to other counties and cities, it is indeed much less. In addition, the 1st, the technology law enforcement started on the road. Tainan issued 7,199 violations in 4 days, and the county of Changhua banned violations in one day There were 217 cases, and even the 4 science and technology law enforcement offices in Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City issued 225 fines within 36 hours.

Many netizens directly asked, “Are Kaohsiung people more law-abiding?”, “This is the number of Changhua for 2 days”, “Kaohsiung people are really good.” slow down and obey the various traffic rules.

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