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Kanye West’s candidacy in Virginia challenged for submitting false signatures

A new setback must face the commented candidacy of rapper Kanye West for the US presidency This is an accusation against the movement that supports the musician, The Birthday Party, who are accused of obtaining fraudulently the signatures of the voters that allow the musician to be registered on the ballot.

The current law in the state of Virginia requires that any independent candidacy, such as West’s, must present the support of the 13 electors of the state, as well as 5,000 signatures of eligible voters.

Although on August 28 the Virginia Department of Elections announced that the man from “Stronger” will appear on the ballot as a candidate, on Monday the 31st a notarized document presented by Matthan Wilson and Bryce Wright, two state voters, was released. , before the Virginia State Board of Elections and the Virginia Department of Elections. In this they challenge the decision by claiming they were tricked into siding with the candidate.

“On or about August 11, 2020, a West campaign representative approached plaintiff Matthan Wilson while he was riding a bicycle,” the document revealed by journalist Ben Jacobs reads. “The representative asked Wilson to sign to be a ‘state voter’ and told him that his name ‘would be entered into a group to be individually chosen to serve on the Electoral College.’

The point is that the voter assures that they never told him that the signature would be used to present it in support of West’s candidacy, or of another candidate. “The name of Kanye West was never mentioned,” he says in the text.

For his part, Wright ensures that in no case would he support West’s candidacy. “If I had known that by signing the form, I pledged to act as a constituent of Kanye West and [la elección vicepresidencial de West] Michelle Tidball, and voting for them as a voter, would never have done it, “he said in the document.

Although at the moment the candidacy appears as valid in the state, the plaintiffs request the action of the electoral Board in the case, to invalidate it. They are not the only ones, because at the end of August the registration was also declared void in Wisconsin and West Virginia where the audit determined that only slightly fewer of the signatures submitted were from valid voters. So far, West’s campaign has only managed to sign up in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah, Vermont and Tennessee.

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