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Kanye West steunt ’rivale’ Taylor Swift | Entertainment

entertainment">“I’m going to take care of that personally Taylor Swift regains its rights. Scooter is a good friend of the family ”, said Kanye. Whether Taylor is actually waiting for the help of her rival remains to be seen. She has not yet responded to the offer.

entertainment">The rapper has been tweeting heavily all week about his own battle against record labels. Kanye wants to get rid of his contracts and stated that artists should be free and not “slaves” of the music industry. The rapper, who suffers from bipolar disorder, even wrote to his daughter on Friday North that he was at war and risked his life. “If I am killed, don’t let the white media tell you I wasn’t a good man,” the rapper wrote in a now-deleted tweet shared by concerned fans.


entertainment">Kanye and Taylor have been at odds since 2009. That year, the rapper stormed the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards when the singer wanted to receive the prize for best video clip. He thought that Beyoncé should have won the award.

entertainment">A few years later the issue flared up again when Kanye Taylor mentioned a bitch on his song Famous, much to the singer’s dismay. However, the rapper said she had her permission for the song, something Taylor again denied. Kanye’s wife Kim Kardashian interfered by sharing an old phone conversation between her husband and Taylor in which it seems she’s okay. In the years since, both spoke about their fight, which had a profound impact on Taylor. As far as is known, it has never been settled.

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