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Kanto Weather Forecast: Sunny Saturday, Heavy Rain and Snow on Sunday-Monday

Kanto 24th (Sat) Weather recovery 25th (Sun) – 26th (Mon) Heavy rain, snow along the mountains

February 23, 2024 13:22

The midwinter cold has returned to the Kanto region. Today, the 23rd (Friday), there are widespread rain clouds and the temperature has dropped to the point where it snows in some areas along the mountains. Tomorrow, the 24th (Saturday), the weather will improve and it will be a good day to go out. However, the sunny weather won’t last long. The weather will deteriorate again the day after tomorrow, the 25th (Sunday), and the rain will remain until the afternoon of the 26th (Monday). Although it will be cold until the end of the week, it looks like it will be relatively pleasant after the 27th (Tuesday).

24th (Sat) The weather improves, but the air is still cool.

Today, the 23rd (Friday, the Emperor’s birthday), the first day of a three-day holiday, snow is falling mainly along the mountains in northern Kanto. There was also snow in the plains of northern Kanto, and there was snow in Mito in the morning. The southern Kanto region, including central Tokyo, is expected to experience some rain. As the front moves away from the Kanto region in the afternoon, the rain and snow will gradually weaken.

Tomorrow, the 24th (Saturday), a continental high pressure system is expected to extend near Japan. The Kanto region will be largely sunny.
However, the effects of the cold air remain, so the temperature is low despite the sunshine. The maximum temperature is around 10℃, which is cold for this time of year.

25th (Sunday) – 26th (Monday) Snow along the mountains in the Kanto region, rain in the southern part of the country, with heavy downpours in some places.

The day after tomorrow, the 25th (Sunday), a low pressure system is expected to move east along the southern coast of Honshu. The low pressure system will move away from land, but the area of ​​precipitation will likely spread to the north of the low pressure system. On the night of the 25th (Sunday), when precipitation is expected, the temperature at approximately 1,500 meters above the ground will be -3°C in northern Kanto and 0°C in southern Kanto. It will rain in the plains of the Kanto region, with snow mixed in along the mountains and inland. There may be snowfall in some areas at high altitudes. Please be careful when driving a car. If the temperature is lower than expected, there is a possibility of snowfall even in the flatlands of the Kanto region. Please pay close attention to future information.

The 26th (Monday) will also be affected by moist air spreading northward from a low pressure system. The rain is likely to remain in the Kanto region until the afternoon. There is a possibility of heavy rain during morning commuting hours. The weather will improve from the west in the evening.

27th (Tuesday) – 29th (Thursday) The weather is relatively pleasant under the sunshine.

From the 27th (Tuesday) to the 29th (Thursday), it will be mostly sunny. The temperature will return to the typical temperature for this time of year, and it will be easier to spend time in the sunshine. However, it still gets cold in the mornings and evenings. Adjust your clothing accordingly and try to stay in shape.

The start of March is likely to be affected by the south coast low pressure system again. It will rain in various parts of the Kanto region, and there is a possibility of snow in northern Kanto areas such as Maebashi. The temperature will be a little lower, and it will feel colder due to the lack of sunlight. Even in March, it won’t be as warm as it was the other day.

What is the south coast cyclone that affects the weather in Kanto?

A low pressure system that moves over the sea south of Japan is called a “south coast low pressure system” because it passes along the southern coast.

The impact of the weather on the Kanto region depends not only on whether the south coast cyclone develops, but also on its distance from land. Depending on whether the south coast cyclone follows a course relatively close to the land or further away, it determines whether it will snow, rain, or nothing at all.

Specifically, if the south coast cyclone’s path is from the north, it will bring precipitation areas and warm air to the Kanto region, so what it falls on will likely turn into rain, but if its path deviates to the south, it will move slightly south of Hachijojima. This brings in cold air from the north along with the precipitation area, so what falls in the Kanto region tends to turn into snow, and sometimes heavy snow. On the other hand, if the southern coast cyclone moves further south, there will be a lot of clouds in the Kanto region, but the precipitation area itself will not cover it, and it will often not rain.

When a “south coast cyclone” is predicted, pay particular attention to its path, but whether or not it will cause heavy snow in the Kanto region will also depend on the speed at which the cyclone moves, the drop in temperature, and the inflow of moist air. Heavy snowfall in the Kanto region may affect transportation, so please check the latest weather and traffic information frequently.

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2024-02-23 04:22:40
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