Pillusta puhuminen on täysistunnossa harvinaista. Edellisen kerran pillu-sana mainittiin täysistunnossa vuonna 2022.
Member of Parliament of the Left Alliance Anna Kontula received on Wednesday from the speaker who chaired the plenary session From Tarja Filatov nuhteet pillu-sanan käyttämisestä.
In the session hall, the strike was discussed, ie Petteri Orpon (kok) on the government’s proposal limiting political strikes.
Kontula started his speech by telling about his great-grandfather Manu from Kontula (1873–1931), who served as an SDP member of parliament in 1924–1927.
– Hän ansaitsi kannuksensa muun muassa kuuluisissa Voikkaan lakoissa vuonna 1904. Kysymyshän oli silloin niin kutsutusta pillulakosta eli ensimmäisestä me too ‑lakosta, jossa paperitehtaan naiset nostivat metelin siitä, että paikallinen työnjohtaja yritti suudella väkisin ja nosteli hameita 15—17-vuotiaiden naistyöntekijöidensä siihen lupaa antamatta , Kontula said in the hall.
– Well, at that time we didn’t have the right to strike legislation with a very strange model, and Manu Kontula, for example, lost his job as a result of this strike. However, the strikes remained in the history of Finland as they were and had a significant impact on social organization on equality issues and also partly on our legislation. [Puhemies koputtaa]
– With this new law, such a strike would be prohibited again [Puhemies koputtaa] and the employee could lose his job. [Aino-Kaisa Pekonen: Voi Manu!]
After Kontula finished his speech, Filatov reprimanded Kontula for his language.
– I hope that attention will be paid to the choice of words in this hall, Filatov said.
Pillusta ei ole salissa juuri puhuttu
Pillusta puhuminen on täysistunnossa harvinaista. Edellisen kerran pillu-sana mainittiin täysistunnossa vuonna 2022.
At that time it was about basic Finns Vilhelm Junnilawho mentioned Yle in his speech Pillupäiväkirjat -documentary series from 2019, which Perussuomalaiket raised Yle’s criticism as one of the points in the government negotiations.
Junnila was worried about Finnish children’s reading skills and the Pisa results. The answer was directed at SDP For Jukka Gustafsson.
– Honorable representative Gustafsson, you said that Yleisradio is just as important in terms of education as elementary school. Jos näin on, pitäisikö lapset laittaa kotiin katsomaan Pillupäiväkirjoja? [Gustafsson: Tämä taitaa olla leikin asia teille! — Perussuomalaisten ryhmästä: Ei ole!]the protocol reads.
Served as chairman Matti Vanhanen (center) did not intervene in Junnila’s speech.

Anna Kontula (left) spoke about the “pill strike” in the hall and was reprimanded by the speaker who chaired the session. Pete Anikari
There is no list of prohibited words
Deputy Secretary-General of the Parliament Timo Tuovinen according to the parliament does not have a list of words that may not be used.
According to Tuovinen, the speaker presiding over the plenary session makes a discretionary decision in each case, whether he intervenes in the language used by the representative or not.
– The speaker must intervene in a representative’s speech when he considers that it is not valuable. It is, of course, the speaker’s own assessment at that moment and in the situation.
The situation always comes to the speaker quickly.
– Sometimes it happens that it goes unnoticed and we can perhaps come back to it later.
Tuovinen estimates that Pillupäiväkirjoihin was not addressed because it is about the title of the work.
– If you are talking about a work of art with such a name, the context expands it so that a word that is unacceptable in other contexts goes through in that context of use.
Tuovinen mentions the well-known as one example Vagina monologue -play.
“Stable and dignified”
According to the constitution, a member of parliament can speak freely in parliament about all matters under discussion and their processing.
– The Member of Parliament must appear stable and dignified and without offending another person. If a member of parliament violates this, the speaker can point out the matter or forbid the representative to continue speaking, the constitution says.
Parliament can give a member of parliament who has repeatedly broken the order a warning or detain him for a maximum of two weeks from parliamentary sessions.

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