television series novel”A ball of rice(NHK)Kanna HashimotoHowever, the talk show “Stars Come Saturday!” aired on November 16. ” (NHK), but the response to this incident has raised questions online. Of course, what viewers care about isharassment of powerThis is where the doubt lies.
“On October 30, Hashimoto’s amazing story was published on “Bunshun Online.” When the staff made a mistake by handing out drinks and parasols at the wrong time, he became angry and said, “I can’t for you to use. ”As a result, so far, 8 people…
In response, the president of Hashimoto’s group denied this completely on the official website, but the controversy continued. There was even concern in the media that he might exit the show halfway through, or that he might change host Kohaku Uta Gassen.”(entertainment professional)
Mu dhà sheachdain às deidh don naidheachd briseadh, nochd Hashimoto, a tha coltach gun d’ fhuair e sealladh salach, air an “Dosu Star.” a chaidh ainmeachadh roimhe. Chaidh a chraoladh beò don phoball bho Fukuoka, far a bheil an dràma air a shuidheachadh, agus tha Hashimoto, a tha a ‘cluich na bana-ghaisgeach, a’ cluich pàirt na seanmhair san aon obair.Yoshiko MiyazakiNochd le.
A thaobh faireachdainn an ionaid, thuirt i, “Tha a h-uile duine ann am Fukuoka gu math blàth,” agus “Tha mi toilichte gun do chuir iad fàilte orm mar gum biodh iad dha-rìribh a’ tighinn dhachaigh.” Rinn iad gàire agus chuir iad an cèill an taing.
Às deidh seo, chaidh bhidio air cùl na seallaidhean dheth a ’bruidhinn mun sgeulachd agus a’ còmhradh càirdeil le Yukiya Kitamura, a tha a ’cluich pàirt an athar, a chluich, agus bha am faireachdainn sìtheil bho thoiseach gu deireadh. Aig a’ cheann thall, cha robh iomradh sam bith air na chaidh aithris.
Ach, is dòcha gum bu chòir a ràdh gu bheil cuid de luchd-amhairc a tha a ‘faicinn comharran sàrachadh cumhachd ann an Hashimoto.
《 Tha Kanna Hashimoto na neach air leth labhairteach agus shunndach. A bheil e ro labhairteach leis gu bheil e àrd bho dhìth cadail, no a bheil e a’ faireachdainn ciontach mu bhith ag aithris air sàrachadh cumhachd? ! 》
[B’ e aithisg a bh’ ann mu shàrachadh cumhachd Kanna Hashimoto]
《Kanna Hashimoto speaks cheerfully and clearly.
There were also dissatisfied voices about the situation where such doubts were not eliminated.
However, the aforementioned entertainment professional reveals that during the live broadcast, “there were times when it got a little tense.”
” Hayato Sano, who plays the role of Yui’s boyfriend, appeared on the video and casually added, “I don’t want to say anything about Hashimoto’s real face when I think that Kanna is look (at the center).’ ‘ Hashimoto seemed to be amused and said, “So, you don’t have to say it,” and stabbed him in the nail in a rather forceful tone.
In the end, what Sano wanted to talk about was the good side of her, that she respected the role of a heroine who had a lot of communication, but…
When the video was opened, ‘Dosu Star” host Subaru Kimura said, “You were excited to see what kind of story would come out, weren’t you? Hashimoto said, “I wonder if it’s going to be really annoying.” “I was just waiting to be insulted, but he said something so nice that I was embarrassed,” he said with a fake smile.”
It seems that this turmoil is about to end. Will we ever find out the truth?
( SmartFLASH
How can the entertainment industry better support celebrities in managing their public personas while respecting their privacy?
Definitely ended, but it was an unfortunate event. We can only hope that both Kanna and her representation will release an official statement clarifying the situation soon. Thank you for joining us today.
Guest 1: I agree. It’s unfortunate that this incident has created such confusion and doubt among viewers. It seems like a simple misunderstanding has blown out of proportion, and it’s unfortunate that it’s affecting her career and public image. Do you think the media should be more responsible in handling such sensitive matters?
Guest 2: Absolutely. Celebrities are human beings too, and they deserve respect and privacy. However, at the same time, when allegations of this nature arise, it’s important for the media to thoroughly investigate the matter and provide factual information to the public. In this case, it seems like there might have been some miscommunication or misinterpretation of events, but it could have been avoided if all parties involved handled the situation more transparently.
Guest 1: Yes, I agree. Transparency is key when dealing with sensitive issues like this. Especially when it concerns someone’s livelihood and reputation. Moving on, we also need to discuss the portrayal of women in the entertainment industry. The article mentions how Hashimoto plays a heroine role in her drama series “Omusubi”. Do you think it’s fair that entertainers are expected to maintain a certain image or persona both on and off screen?
Guest 2: I believe it’s always a challenge for entertainers to balance their personal lives with their public personas. However, I don’t think it’s fair to expect them to maintain a flawless image all the time. They’re human beings, after all, and they have their own flaws and emotions. But at the same time, they also represent their fans and the industry they work in, so it’s important for them to be mindful of their actions and words.
Guest 1: Definitely. And with the rise of social media and the 24/7 news cycle, it’s more challenging than ever to maintain privacy. Lastly, let’s talk about the ”Dosu Star” appearance. What was your takeaway from that segment? Do you think it helped or