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Kamzy Gunaratnam – Oslo Ap’s new top woman

After several hours of engaged debate during the Oslo Labor Party’s digital nomination meeting tonight, deputy mayor and deputy leader of the Oslo Labor Party, Kamzy Gunaratnam (32) pulled the longest straw: She won the match vote against Zaynab Al-Samai (33) to stand in place after Jonas Gahr Støre on the list for the parliamentary elections next year.

The majority of the nomination committee wanted Al-Samarai in 2nd place. But the committee’s minority won the battle, and in the debate most of the posts went in Gunaratnam’s favor. Gunaratnam won by 137 votes to 119 for Al-Samarai.

Krise i Ap

Several of the speakers said that the Labor Party is in a crisis, and needs candidates who arouse commitment and win voters. They thought Kamzy Gunaratnam could help the Labor Party make a good choice next autumn.

Storting representative Espen Barth Eide secured 3rd place and former LO secretary and former head of Trade and Office, Lise Sundnes, got 4th place without debate.

Al-Samarai withdrew

Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen, who has a seat in the Storting today, was elected in 6th place. After losing the battle for 2nd place, Zaineb Al-Samarai was proposed in 6th place. But she clarified that she did not want to challenge Staalesen, and that she was withdrawing from the list.

MAP: The government announces a press conference on the corona situation and Christmas celebrations on Wednesday at 12. On Tuesday night, the Prime Minister could say this. Photo: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen / Dagbladet TV.
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Broad appeal

Many speakers believed that Kamzy Gunaratnam is a voter magnet the Oslo Labor Party must have in the Storting, that she has broad appeal among young people, adults and minorities. The fact that she survived the Utøya massacre and represents the July 22 generation also emphasized many things. Many also believed that the Oslo Labor Party must have a clear vote from Groruddalen, where 140,000 people live, to win the election.

Those who spoke for Al-Samarai emphasized her experiences as a refugee, and she is the one who has experienced child poverty on her body.

Al-Samarai now works as a business policy adviser in the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, and her knowledge of business policy was also emphasized. She has also been an active football player, and holds positions in the Norwegian Sports Confederation. Al-Samarai has been the first deputy representative during this period, and those who spoke for her, she now thought she should get a safe place.

More matches

But she lost the match vote against Gunaratnam, which is nominated on the spot after Jonas Gahr Støre.

Agnes Nærland Viljugrein won a match vote for 7th place with Jon Reidar Øyan. There was also a battle for 8th place between Øyan and Farukh Querishi, which Øian won. Hannah Gitmark captured 9th place, while Querishi was placed in 10th place.

– Great job

After an almost five-hour meeting, Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre thanked for the trust. He said the Labor Party has a tough job ahead of it, and that it will be a different type of election campaign.

– We have opinion polls that are not where we want them to be. But there are signs that something is changing. We are gathering and laying the groundwork for growth. But there is no doubt. We have a great job ahead of us, said Støre.

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