Home » today » World » Kaloyan Pargov insisted that property house owners protesting in entrance of the CO needs to be acquired by the related deputy mayor – 2024-06-27 09:21:32

Kaloyan Pargov insisted that property house owners protesting in entrance of the CO needs to be acquired by the related deputy mayor – 2024-06-27 09:21:32

/ world right now information/ The objective of the rulers was to win the elections at any value and by any means, now individuals are now not essential to them, stated Vladimir Petrov, who was a BSP candidate for mayor of the Vrabnitsa area and helps the protests of residents from their very starting

The chief of BSP – Sofia and chairman of the group of socialists in SOS, Kaloyan Pargov, demanded that the protesters in entrance of the Capital Municipality, property house owners on “Lomsko shose” blvd., be instantly acquired by the accountable deputy mayor Irina Savina. Residents gathered on the entrance of the Metropolitan Municipality earlier than right now’s session of the SOS to as soon as once more specific their dissatisfaction with the low valuations of their properties, that are about to be expropriated, due to the widening of the boulevard. Kaloyan Pargov, who has supported the protesters for the reason that starting of their discontent in the summertime and attended their protests, and the municipal councilor from the BSP Nikolay Nikolov talked to the residents right now in entrance of the Capital Municipality. After which, originally of the SOS session, the chief of the socialists in Sofia known as on the mayor Yordanka Fandakova to concentrate to the dissatisfied folks and guarantee that they’re accepted and listened to by the accountable deputy mayor.

“With my BSP colleagues, we welcome the infrastructure tasks that clear up sure issues of the town, and particularly the enlargement of the boulevards, serving to to take care of site visitors jams, however let this not be on the expense of the residents, stated Kaloyan Pargov. – Each individual whose property is topic to expropriation, it ought to obtain a good compensation. I don’t assume {that a} worth of 15 cents per sq. meter is a severe perspective to the folks of the town. Furthermore, it’s a mockery of the residents of Sofia. That’s the reason I insist on these folks standing within the chilly earlier than the municipality and search justice, to be instantly accepted, to be heard and to discover a manner for them to get an satisfactory evaluation of their properties. As a result of the case of “Lomsko shose” is way from distinctive. There are the identical issues with the extension of the ring highway – the brand new ones 5 km – with the residents of “Gorublyane”, in addition to in lots of different locations. The rulers of the Sofia municipality don’t have any proper to trample the legal guidelines of the Republic of Bulgaria and particularly the Structure on this manner.

In accordance with Vladimir Petrov, who was the BSP’s candidate for mayor of the Vrabnitsa area and has supported the protesting residents for the reason that starting of their discontent, the rulers of the Capital Municipality are in no way within the folks’s issues. “Their objective was to win the elections at any value they usually did it by all means, he commented. – Now neither Mayor Fandakova nor anybody else from the administration is paying consideration to what’s taking place. The voice of the folks is a voice within the desert. I insist the division deputy mayor to come back out and clarify to the residents how their properties have been valued and the way they arrived at a worth of 15 cents per sq. meter, given {that a} licensed appraiser didn’t go to the location”.

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