Home » today » World » Kaloyan Pargov: I will run for chairman of the BSP – I am ready for this goal – 2024-04-06 22:52:53

Kaloyan Pargov: I will run for chairman of the BSP – I am ready for this goal – 2024-04-06 22:52:53

/ world today news/ Kaloyan Pargov, chairman of BSP-Sofia 2013-2022, chairman of the BSP group in SOS, in the weekly overview political show “Benovska pita” on Radio K2 on 93.9MHz on February 26, 2022, stated positions on the following topics:

Chairman of the BSP – Sofia – deposed by Kornelia Ninova

“You are curious at the moment – after 9 years of presiding over BSP-Sofia – why Kornelia Ninova decided to dethrone you, and with a signature?” Benovska started the conversation. Pargov answered that what matters is the content of those years, which were a test and a challenge. He said that he took over the management of BSP-Sofia after Rumen Ovcharov and Yana Yaneva and ishe had to lead the organization through the Symplegadian shallows. “I believe that I managed to fulfill this mission to a large extent. I am about to pass it on to future generations in terms of my official suspension. This is the most offensive thing about the case, which makes me angry. An official decision to remove you, which is contrary to the principles related to the fact that the body that elected you – it must also give you a vote of no confidence. We are talking about the city conference – this body has elected me three times and I don’t know why someone was afraid that they would not be able to defeat me at a city conference once again, asking for a vote of no confidence in me, and decided with official methods and invented motives, yes removed me from this position” commented Pargov. Benovska asked Kaloyan Pargov if Cornelia Ninova was not afraid that he can run for the chairmanship of the entire party. Pargov stated that this is the fear of every chairman who steps on “Positano” – at first they seem normal, but when they step there, demons and fears overwhelm them. Pargov emphasized that there has always been fear in the city organization, which is the largest, the most intellectual, the most influential and with the most experts. “If we have to make a cabinet – the city organization has personnel for three ministerial councils. In the current administration, half of the staff are from the city organization – the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Economy – Hristo Prodanov and Kornelia Ninova,” said Pargov. Benovska noted that Prodanov was Pargov’s deputy, and he added Georgi Svilenski, who is currently the chairman of the parliamentary group. “I hope they succeed, because this will be good for the BSP, since The BSP has been weaker for the last 30 years. Hopefully this time we will have an increase in the trust that we so tragically lost in 2021,” said Pargov.

“Clearing” of the BSP

Help me now to count how many heads fell from the BSP after Cornelia Ninova came to head the party. The Plovdiv leader of the BSP – Georgi Gergov, who was one of the people who cast the most votes, his votes were decisive for the election of Cornelia Ninova. I think of Krasimir Yankov, who also gave his votes to Ninova and his head fell,” commented Benovska. Pargov added the chairmen of BSP-Haskovo and BSP-Kazanlak. He emphasized that the city organization has tried to oppose the settlement of accounts with formal occasions, seeking dialogue, because dialogue in the BSP has always existed without prejudice and prejudice. Pargov said that the plenums lasted 5-10 hours or the whole night in a dispute about politics and ideas. Benovska recalled that the plenums were discovered under Sergey Stanishev and Mikhail Mikov. The presenter emphasized that Mikov was also removed from the BSP. Pargov commented that journalists also sometimes speculate on what was heard at the plenums. He emphasized that 5 out of 9 leaders of the BSP have left or been suspended, starting from the time of Valko Chervenkov, Todor Zhivkov, Petar Mladenov, Alexander Lilov, Zhan Videnov, Georgi Parvanov, Sergey Stanishev, Mikhail Mikov, Cornelia Ninova. Benovska noted that Pargov is in the group of the elite team, and he stated that he is in the group of those punished by the national council. Benovska emphasized that they did not have a dialogue and someone signed online. Kaloyan Pargov emphasized that the saddest thing for the BSP is that motives are used that have not been thoroughly checked and no right to answer accusations is given.

Rumen Ovcharov; Ivan Takov for chairman of BSP-Sofia?

“You became the chairman of BSP-Sofia too young – at 36 years old. It was rumored that Rumen Ovcharov had leaked to you then. Now how did he react to your removal from office?” asked Benovska. Kaloyan Pargov answered that andhis assembly in 2013 was the choice of the compromise figure and this is the most common choice in the BSP, given that there are different currents, groups. “I am talking about Rumen Ovcharov, Georgi Parvanov, Sergey Stanishev and his entourage, Krasimir Premyanov, Yanaki Stoilov. My selection was the result of this compromise between them, when they were of a certain weight. Rumen Ovcharov is a long-timer in his attempt to stay in politics, although he does not hold positions, which is worthy of respect. What I have always done to my predecessors is to have continuity. And I could, like Cornelia Ninova, cut the thread sharply and say – they were bad, I am very good, but I believe that this leads to breaking the organization. You should always have an upgrade. This was my task,” said Pargov. Benovska noted that the continuity is natural. Pargov explained that he will try to have one for the generation after him, for which he took care and prepared – on March 22, when the next president of the city council will be elected. He hoped that they would not gather in the late afternoon to pick someone for an hour. Benovska asked what the right person for the post meant. “Whoever has the qualities to continue and upgrade, and guide the organization through the difficulties it currently has,” replied Pargov. Benovska commented that she mentioned the name of Ivan Takov. Pargov explained that this is his deputy for party activities, who is one of the closest to him, and whether he will be elected – depends on the delegates to the city conference. He stated that the participation of the BSP in the administration regarding the politics in Sofia related to the preparation for the local elections should be discussed at the conference. Pargov commented that preparations for the elections in 2019, which was an exciting year, because they were on the verge of fulfilling a cherished goal – winning Sofia, only 20,000 votes separated the BSP from victory and the absence of Boyko Rashkov as interior minister.

Kaloyan Pargov’s punishments

Benovska asked what exactly they punished Kaloyan Pargov with. He explained that for one year he cannot hold positions in the party’s bodies – a member of the national council, of the city council. Pargov shared that he does not intend to participate as a delegate in the city conference and in the congress. The presenter commented that he cannot be elected as party chairman. Pargov confirmed, although the interpretations of the jurists are unambiguous – every person has the right to be promoted and elected. Kaloyan Pargov stated that the appeal against this decision is ready and thanked the lawyers, including the constitutionalists, who helped him. “I don’t expect the control commission to make a different decision than the national council,” said Pargov. He explained that the complaint is before the all-party control commission, whose chairman is Emil Voinov, former chairman of the Slatina region, head of the CEC in the BSP, a meritorious person. Pargov went on to say that the city court is not so directly involved in intra-party cases, in response to Benovska’s question where he can challenge the decision if the control commission confirms the decision of a national council.

Support for Kaloyan Pargov; Erosion of the left; Yanaki Stoilov’s left wing

Benovska noted that the youth BSP and a huge number of intellectuals and members of the BSP have supported Pargov. He shared that support comes from different parts of the country, including from people of civil societyFr. “Didn’t many wings form in the BSP? Different people have been suspended and so are you right now. Others withdrew on their own. Isn’t the BSP collapsing? Isn’t this an erosion of the left?” asked Benovska. Kaloyan Pargov commented that there have always been currents in the BSP and divisions based on characteristics, but when these currents were actively worked with – a Marxist platform in the early 1990s, after 1997 an open forum of Krasimir Premyanov was created – this did not prevent the BSP from be in management. “I do not comment on the way these administrations ended. You remember the left wing of Yanaki Stoilov, but this did not prevent the BSP from being in condition,” said Pargov. Benovska noted that For years, Stoilov wanted to become the chairman of the BSP. Pargov stated that his aim was to keep the BSP from going too far to the right and the BSP chairmen were mindful of the strength of the left wing. Kaloyan Pargov emphasized that Stoilov became part of the national leadership to show that the position of those who are united in the current of the left wing is accepted.

Metropolitan Municipal Council; Sotir Tsatsarov

Benovska commented that they failed to remove Pargov from his position as chairman of the group of Councilors in the Metropolitan Municipal Council. “The chairman of the municipal council should not be jealous Georgi GeorgievPargov said about Benovska’s mistake that she is the chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council. Pargov explained that he was accused of supporting Georgi Georgiev, and at that time he was ill and there was no way to support himbecause he did not participate in the voting, and a decision was made in advance that they would be against. “We can track who voted for Sotir Tsatsarov as the head of KPCONPI – 1/3 of the 2019 group, I’m talking about the parliament. According to this logic, we must also punish Cornelia Ninova, if we must be reciprocal and fair,” said Pargov.

Where to?; Chairman of the BSP

“Now, where?” asked Benovska. Pargov replied that you don’t need to be a deputy, minister or leader to be involved in politics, because it is a vocation. “I remain in the Metropolitan Municipal Council. I expect the conference to make important decisions regarding the preparations for the local elections, to assign the group of councilors what to do, how to do it, and if any turn, sharpening, questions, criticisms are needed, so that I can also take the necessary actions in the municipal council, meeting the requirements of this highest forum in Sofia on March 22. I plan to stay in active politics and in national politics,” said Kaloyan Pargov. Benovska asked him if he had the inspiration and character, self-confidence as an accumulated experience to become chairman of the BSP and would he run for office. Pargov stated that he will do it when that time comes and if he has the support, because he is ready to perform this task, which is a great challenge in life – a responsibility to the party, but also a responsibility as a person, because many people are badly influenced by high places.

Russia – Ukraine; Kiril Petkov for Russia

“I formulated a topic that Putin gave a request for his view on geopoliticswhich must be done in the region and in the world, with what is happening in Ukraine, Donbass, Logansk. Before I ask you for your opinion, I will remind you that during two meetings to vote on a declaration of sanctions against Russia – Kornelia Ninova was reproached that the parliamentary group did not support this declarationwhich was common to the parliament yesterday as well Kirill Petkov said in Brussels that Russia’s economy is very limited and on the map of the world economy Russia is very tiny, it has oil, gas and weapons and looks like a gas station with missiles. Comment?” asked Benovska. In response to the question, Kaloyan Pargov said “Everything has a background. The world of that day is no longer unipolar for sure. We need to think about peace, not war. There is a need for a new dialogue in different formats, active diplomacy to establish a new global order, guaranteeing multilaterally the interests of all participants”.

The gifts

Pargov presented to “Benovska pita” “Legend of the Kremlin” – a symbolic book with a bottle of vodka. Benovska presented to Kaloyan Pargov The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, together with the Bulgarian flagwishing to continue on his political path, as well as a Harvard t-shirt with an offer to appear with it at a party forum against Cornelia Ninova, who is part of the Harvard coalition. Pargov shared that he keeps a BSP t-shirt with number 10 – Wish for the change that is current.

Thus ended the conversation between Kaloyan Pargov and Iliana Benovska in the weekly overview political show “Benovska pita” on “Radio K2” and live on Facebook and YouTube on February 26, 2022.

#Kaloyan #Pargov #run #chairman #BSP #ready #goal

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